Big Secret (Peter Parker)

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it was quiet in stark tower at this time of day. y/n's dad, Tony Stark was at work, along with her mum, Pepper Potts. It was 2:37pm on Saturday and y/n was sat comfortably on the living room couch watching back to back episodes of the office. Her dads head of security, Happy Hogan had been sent to check on y/n multiple times throughout the day, making sure that the youngest stark was safe at home.

after binge watching a good 12 episodes, going onto the 13th, the 15 year old heard the elevator doors of the tower open and footsteps enter her surroundings. Pausing the show, she turned her body to face her dad walking in, beside him a person she'd least expect to see.
Peter Parker.

Peter Parker and y/n Stark were friends, and met when y/n joined the Academic Decathlon team at school. She had no idea why he would be walking into her home with her dad.

"hey what're you doing here?" y/n asked the brunette boy standing next to her father. Peter's face dropped slightly when he noticed she was present in the room, he looked.... shocked really, like he wasn't expecting her to be here.

"i um....came with your dad" He stuttered, looking nervously up at Tony, the look of help.

y/n laughed slightly at Peter's shyness. she's known the boy for almost 8 months and he still gets shaky and nervous when he talks to her.
"yeah i can see that, but why?"

Peter swallowed hard and looked around the room avoiding y/n's eyes.
"just you know, my internship stuff"

"then why on earth do you look like you're about to pass out" y/n questioned. She wasn't stupid, obviously he was hiding something.

"god Pete just tell her" Your dad sighed, sick of watching Peter try and stutter his way out of a situation.

You looked over to your dad with a confused look on your face. This whole situation was a shambled mess.
"tell me what?"

Peter looked at Tony with wide eyes and a disapproving frown.

"It's not like she will tell anyone Peter, she knows all the avengers secrets, hell Steve Rodgers is the girls godfather, you can trust her" Your dad spoke up for the trembling teenager beside him.

Peter Parker looked at you and took a deep breath before allowing himself to speak up.
"i um, imaybespiderman" he mumbled.


"I'm spider-man" he said, finally understanding his words.

He was spider-man? Peter Parker was spider-man. you would have never have guessed. Peter was so shy and quiet at school and was usually getting picked on by the other kids at midtown. He was the last person you'd except to be a secret superhero.

"oh wow" was all you could say "cool" it wasn't like this was huge news to you, you grew up in the world of superhero's, your dad was iron man, your godfather was captain america, the avengers were your family.

Peter's once nervous face was now replaced with a relaxed sigh and a soft smile.

you had a feeling that knowing this big secret of his was going to bring you two closer together, and you were totally okay because long story short, y/n had a little crush on the boy. You always thought that Peter was cute and dorky so you being that person he can talk to about his spider-man stuff felt like a privilege of getting to know him better.

And maybe, just maybe one day work up enough courage to tell him how you feel.

hi yes wooo guess who actually took time and wrote a chapter.
me bitch.
anyway thank you guys for being so patient with me, school was been really tough at the moment and i'm trying to focus on finishing my assignments and getting ready for exams next week.

if you're interested in having your own imagine, please just dm me and i can make it happen for you.

and for everyone who has sent in a request. please don't worry i'm working on getting them out asap xxxxxx

don't forgot to vote and comment 🖤

also PSA Have you seen Tom's recents on instagram holy shit that's my man right there i full blown had a heart attack on the spot

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