you promised me (tom holland)

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He's so pretty are you kIdDiNg me? ^^
written by tommy-stanley-holland on tumblr bitchhh

You were in the middle of exams. And you were stressing. A lot. Around you it was chaos. Papers, books, notes and stationary were spread out all around you. Your hair was out of control because you kept running your hands through it. Your eyes had bags underneath them from your messy sleeping schedule. Your whole body ached since you have been sitting in the same position studying for the last eight hours. Your most important exam was in two days and you have been studying non-stop for it.

"Babe? You ready to take a break yet?" Tom asked lightly peering into the room.

"Soon, I promise. Just need to finish this last few stuff," you smiled tiredly.

Tom knew that was a lie, but he left anyway.

You knew you needed a break but you also knew you haven't studied enough. Tom knew better than to bug you but he came every hour or so to check up on you. It was only when he returned a few hours later and he saw you sitting with your head in your hands and your eyes shut when he intervened.

"Okay Y/N, you are done for the night," he said while starting to pack up your stuff.

"No, I'm not," you argued.

"Yes, you are," he said simply.

All while Tom was trying to pack up you were trying to take it away from him. But because of your exhaustion Tom was quicker than you. And after a few tries you gave up and sat back watching him finish.

"Thanks," you said softly when he was done.

"No problem love, c'mon."

Tom took a hold of your hand and helped you stand up straight. You instantly pulled him into a hug, your body relaxing at his touch.

You felt him press a small kiss to the top of your head before saying, "I think I've got something to help you relax."

You frowned but followed him anyway. Tom led you into the bathroom and what you saw before you made your jaw drop.

"Tom, what is this?" you asked softly taking it all in.

"Well, I know you are super stressed right now so I thought this was the perfect way for us to spend some time together and for you to relax a bit," Tom smiled at your reaction.

Tom had run the two of you a bath. All around the bathroom candles were lit, and you noticed it was all of your favourites. Music was playing softly in the background. Tom had made sure you would love every part of it.

"Now c'mon, get in," he grinned.

You pulled him into a soft kiss, showing him your appreciation.

"I love you so much," you whispered when you pulled away.

"I love you too."

The two of you got undressed and climbed into the bath together. You sat in between Tom's legs with your back to his chest. Tom's arms were wrapped around your waist and yours rested on top of them. As soon as you were settled you let out a huge sigh you didn't know you were holding in.

"When did you do all this?" you asked letting your head fall back onto his shoulder.

"You are so focused you wouldn't even hear gunshot going off, so it wasn't very difficult," he giggled.

Your cheeks heat up at his words but you laughed along with him.

For the rest of the bath you two were just catching up on things you missed. Tom washed your back and you happily returned the favour. He massaged your shoulders while softly singing along to the song playing. It was honestly pure perfection.

You only got out when the water started getting cold. As you dried off Tom handed you a pair of your sweatpants with one of your favourite shirts of his. After getting dressed Tom made you climb into bed before leaving the room. He returned a few minutes later with tea and snacks for the two of you. The rest of the night was spent cuddled up in each other's arms, laughing, eating and watching movies.

"What did I do to deserve you?" you smiled up at Tom.

"No idea, but it must've been something amazing," he grinned cheekily.

You laughed hitting his chest lightly before pressing a small kiss to the corner of his mouth.

this is so fucking cute i want death

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