Study buddies ( Peter Parker )

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You were currently at your best friend Peter's house studying for tomorrow's exam, Peter was quiet, reading and going over all his notes while sitting at his desk. You on the other hand had no idea what any of this shit was, like who the hell needs to know what causes energy to be drawn to metal or what part of the radius is the shape. 

You were laying on Peter's bed and had given up all hope of tomorrows exam, you put your head on his pillow and closed your eyes. 

" y/n if you don't study for tomorrow your gonna fail the test" Peter looked over at your sleepy body.

" I'm already going to fail, so whats the point" You said, your eyes still closed.

You heard a light chuckle come from Peter's mouth as he walked over to where you were laying.

" What do you need help with?" He asked 

You opened your eyes to see Peter standing over you waiting for your answer. You groaned while sitting up and moving over so he can sit with you.

" All of it, I don't get any of this" You sighed 

" Here, let me help you, it's not that hard" He took the books from your lap and started reading them

You two spent the next 30 minuets going over all the things you would need to know for tomorrows test. You couldn't help but just look at Peter, like really look at him. The way his brown hair would have curls in it, the way his brown eyes would furrow when he was reading and the way he would smile at you every time he caught you staring. You never really thought about him being hot or anything like that, i mean you two have been best friends since middle school, you knew him in his nerdy little boy stage, I mean not much has changed, his still your nerdy little Peter, Just hotter.

" Peter can we take a break?" U asked praying he would say yes

" Yeah okay, do you want anything to eat?" He asked you while looking into your eyes

" Nah I'm okay" You smiled and watched him get up and go out his door

You moved all the books of his bed and laid back down, resting your head back on the pillow and pulled the duvet back up so it warmed your body. You closed your eyes not knowing how tired you actually were. You were drifting off, but not yet asleep when you heard Peter come back in and close the door. 

You heard him laugh slightly seeing you in his bed like that. You felt as if you could pass out any minuet, when you felt a soft hand brush away the hair that fallen onto your face. You could feel your cheeks burn when a pair of warm lips met your forehead and peter saying 

" Sweet dreams beautiful" 


this might be one of my favorites I've written, the ending is so cute !!

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