Dirty Work

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🔴It's a little.. Violent?
I tried to register what I was looking at.
"Oh god.." That's all I could say.
Hiccup looked away sadly.
"Ok it's clear." Jack said walking in with Meri. As soon as they saw the bite Merida cried and Jack started to pace with his hands over his head muttering things under his breath.
"Maybe.. He won't turn?" Merida said.
"What?" Hiccup asked in disbelief.
" maybe he won't turn maybe there's a way.. Maybe he's immune"
"Meri you know that's foolish... " Jack said.
"No! No! He's not going to die! You hear? He's not going to die!"
I looked down while Meri shouted.
Wait... The leg.. He said we could...
Oh gosh.
I went over to the kitchen and began searching for equipment. I could hear Jack and Meri arguing and Toothless growling. Finally I found a knife... A sharp and big one.
I walked over to Hiccup.
"Guys..," I said. They quieted down,
" Hiccup said there's a slight chance that we could save a life if we cut off the infected part..."
"Punzie.. There's a risk I'm no doctor or nurse or whatever ,but even if we do stop the infection from spreading through out the body, he'd probably die from blood loss. " Meri said.
" it's worth the try" Hiccup said.
"Merida it's ok," Hiccup stated,"I'd rather die trying than giving up."
" if you want to I got you," Jack said.
" are you Sure Hiccup?"Meri asked.
"Yep...do it. "
Ok ok... I got this .
I tied a rope around his leg .
I felt like I couldn't breath. I god I can't believe I'm doing this.
"Unfortunately.. We have nothing to make you sleep with.. Which means you'll have to be awake during everything. " I told him."I would advice that you don't look.. "
He nodded at me.
"Meri, Jack, he's going to make lot of noise. I'm going to need you to keep watch and kill of any creepers that get too close."
"I'm on it" Meri said.
"On second thought.. I'm going to need you guys help me.Toothless,I'm going to need you to warn us ok?"
Toothless barked.
"Ok let's take him upstairs. "
We carried him upstairs and set him down on a large desk.
"Hold him down."
Meri grabbed his legs while Jack grabbed his arms.
I grabbed a towel, rolled it up then put it in Hiccup's mouth of
For him to bite down on.
Ok.. Ok.. I can do this.
I grabbed the large knife. I raised it and then dropped it with all my might. Hiccup squirmed around trying to get free from our grip. Merida started crying and Jack was gaging while Hiccup's muffled shouted were heard . I gulped. I put the knife in position and began slicing of another part. It felt like forever. Blood was everywhere and I was begining to feel a little dizzy. I finally got to the bone.
I lifted the knife and brought it down as hard as I could. Hiccup started shouting even more. I brought it up again and let it down a few more times before finally getting through the bone. I brought up the knife again and slammed it. I needed just a little more.I let out a breath. I slammed the knife into his leg one more time and finally I cut through.
Hiccup was still shouting and screaming tryin to kick us off. When they let go, he looked at his leg and screamed.
"Oh my...I have no leg. "
I brandaged his leg as quickly as I could. It wasn't going to be that good at holding of any blood or anything, but it was better than nothing.
We grabbed Hiccup and moved him to a bed.
He groaned in pain.
" OK there's no way he will be able to move and go into towns with us. We have to take good care of him make sure his blood supply is ok and he doesn't catch an infection. " I said.
"Merida and I will make runs into the city. Make a list of things you'll need."
" ok I will." I said while nodding.
" I'll need things too guys. "
"Alright well let us know Hiccup" Merida said," about how long will it take to heal?"
"Well on average skin takes about 3 weeks to grow back.. But this isn't just skin. It's muscle and bone and nerves. I have no idea how long it'll take." I said sadly.
" we should stay here for at least like a month or two. " Jack said.
" we'll see how Hiccup's feeling as time goes by. " Meri said.
I made a list of medications if need and Hiccup made a list of his.

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