Car Chase and Murder

140 9 3

I'm so done with life!
" Put your hands in the air!! " one of the men ordered.
When he saw we were corresponding, he decided to threaten us," put your hands in the air or I'll shoot. Trust me we have no problem killing you guys.!"
I looked at Shang.
He looked deep in thought. I looked at Mulan before putting his hands in the air. Mulan did the same. I looked back at the men while lifting my arms slowly. A dark figuar caught my eye.
It was beside the garage, pressed against the wall. I couldn't see who or what is was due to the fact that it was still night time.
I tried to focus a little harder.
That's when I noticed the dark silhouette of a young lady and I knew exactly who it was...
She was going to try and help..
I knew that if she attacked them one of the guys would shoot her, but if I told her not to do anything they would certainly go after her.
My heart started pounding harder and harder. I could feel my blood boiling and my sweat starting to surface.
"Hey! You! Snowball!!"
I looked back at the men.
" what you looking at ehh? "
I stayed quiet.
" what can't talk? "
Still I remained quiet.
"Hey! I asked you a fucking question!"
I looked at Punzel. I could see her big eyes shining with worry.
"You piece of crap! I'm going to show you how to respond!"
The man started walking towards me. He didn't get far though.
Punze quickly got out of her hiding place.
She swung her hand towards the guys neck before the other men had even had time to turn towards her.
Immediately blood gushed out of the man's mouth. He gurgled a bit before falling to the ground.My eyes followed him. We were all shocked.
It felt like an eternity before I heard a gunshot. I looked away from the man in time to see Punze jolt back while grabbing her shoulder.
Immediately after that, an arrow traveled straight through the fore head of a man aiming his gun at Punze.
The remaining fore men turned towards us.
Shit. I immediately charged at one of the men while Merida added another to her bowstring and Shang and Mulan charged at the other two. I saw Hiccup sprint towards Rapunzel as best as he could. I tacked the man and held his arm down ,disabling him from his gun. I then grabbed him from his collar with my left hand and started to punch his face with my right hand.
Blood started to spring from his nose and a cut started to form on his cheek bone. Suddenly I heard a gunshot and a small hole decorated the head of the man I was beating. I looked up and saw Shang pointing the gun at him still.
I looked at the man one more time before getting off him.
"You ok Punze?.." Shang asked.
Rapunzel removed her hand from a now bandaged bulletwound.
Blood was already staining the gauze.
"You sure ? " I asked.
" Yes I'm ok. I'll look at it later. Let's get those guns and get out of here." She assure
"Let's go!" Shang ordered before turning back and taking off his bag. Everyone started to stuff their bags. Hiccup went to go look for a car. I tried to block out the noise of gunshots and screaming. Everything was still going on. We had to hurry before they finished their little fun. The thought gave me chills.
After about 2 minutes every bag was full.
We had to wait another minute before Hic finally showed up!. The car was covered in bullet holes. Looks like Hic had a hard time...
" come on get in!" He shouted.
We all ran towards the car rapidly.
A truck suddenly screeched and swerved approching us.
I grabbed my hand gun and shot at the driver.
Blood splatter on the window as I hit my target.
The truck didn't decrease in speed and it darted into a house, causing debris to fall on the truck.
We finally got to the car and we crammed in.
It was a suburban. Great:)
Hiccup thought about everyone else. It had seven seats and was roomy.
Hiccup sped away. When we were in front of our house Hiccup honked four times as fast as he could and sure enough that attracted walkers and some gunners.
The rest of the group ,including Toothless, rushed out quickly.
They threw everything in the car and then they each got on. It was a bit crowded since there was twelve of us but sure enough.We all fit.
Hiccup sat in the driver's seat. Merida sat passenger. Punze and I sat in the two middle seats. Mulan and Shane sat at the very back where there were no seats and Pocahontas and John sat in the back seats. Wendy and Peter sat on the floor next to us. Adam and belle sat on the floor beside Peter and Wendy. I think they were really squished. Toothless wasn't though. He sat up front on Merida's lap. As soon, as everyone was seated, Hiccup put the car on drive and sped off.
We're safe!! We're okay!!
Punzie took off her bandages and started to examine her wound.
"Need help?," I questioned.
She looked up at me. She looked pale. I'm guessing she lost too much blood.
"Yes.. thank you," she responded quietly.
" now what do I d-"

THE NIGHT THE DEAD  STARTED WALKING Where stories live. Discover now