A Home

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The town seemed to have been untouched by the effects of the virus. People seemed to be living normal lives. Children were running around the streets playing tag. Some read stories to their mother on the porch and a few took turns riding bicycles.
Some older women sat with men on a bench. Others watered flowers or vegetable gardens. Houses were aligned neatley. They all had small picket fences and welcome signs by the door. They were all clean. There was no sign of blood, of nervousness, of withered hope. They were are happy. They were all unaware of the outside world. It was as if they never experienced the horrors of the living dead.
" We have a small river not too far away. We usually bring water so we can bathe in it. We also have some food stored up. It's not much, but bringing in food everyday helps maintain our supplies. You get a limited amount of food everyday. You have to work to eat."
We all nodded at this.
" There's empty rooms up in the yellow house," the leader said while pointing at a two story house," get comfortable. And let me know if you have any questions. A guard will check you one last time before entering the house. Get some rest. I'll call you in the morning for your first work day."
The leader was about to turn.
"Wait,"Shane said while stopping him," what's your name?"
He turned to us while smiling. His cornrolls spun around his face wildly when he turned at us.
"Mufasa," he said before walking away.
His red leather jacket hung over his tan colored jeans (they looked a little more yellow).
I was the first to speak up.
"I like him. " I said happily before spinning around and walking toward our new home.
Mulan opened the white door slowly.
One by one we each walked into the house.
Toothless would not stop wagging his tail. As soon as Toothless stepped in he layed down on a red rug by the door way. I giggled to myself before looking around. The walls were a light grey. The sofas around the living room were black. A small red rocking chair was at the corned with a cozy looking pillow placed on it.
There was a huge shelf on one side of the wall filled with books. I'm reading them later. The floor was a white tile. It looked surprisingly clean. While my group sat in the living room to rest, I explored the house some more. I stepped into the kitchen. It was dark red. There was a gas stove pushed against the corner of the kitchen while the walls were decorated with black cabinets. I looked through the drawers. There were cooking as well as cleaning supplies in them.
I explored the other rooms. There was a small supply closet filled with all kinds of different things, 2 bathrooms ,a basement and six rooms.
Three were downstairs and the others were upstairs. I knew Mulan and Shane would want a room of their own as well as Adam and Belle and John and Pocahontas. That was three rooms already taken. I asumed Wendy and Peter were a couple so I'm going to say that they're taking another room. That left two rooms open.
Jack and Hic could share a room. Merida can be my roommate.
I suddenly remembered that Mufasa had told us they brought water from a river near by. I sprinted to the bathroom.
When I opened the door, sunlight hit my face. There was a small window across from me that spilled sunlight. The walls were a light blue . The bathtub was a circle shape and buy it was a large tank filled with water. I couldn't contain my excitement. I immediately locked the door behind me and undressed. I grabbed a small contained that was placed on the sink and scooped up water before stepping into the tub and slowly dumping it on me while I raised myself off. I looked to my left and saw a bar of soap!!! I snatched it and brought it up to my nose to sniff it. It smelled like spring flowers. I started to scrub myself clean as I started singing softly. I rinsed myself off again. My hair felt soft again and so did my skin. I grabbed a blue towel from a nearby rack and dried myself off.
I felt so clean and refreshed and I loved it. I stepped out of the tub and looked in the mirror above the sink.
It's been ages since I looked in a mirrior. My long blond hair was shiny and and bit wavy. My big green eyes looked tired. My skin looked a little pale. I was different . I changed. I wasn't a happy little teenager about to graduate highschool. I was now a victim of a world where it was ok to do things that were horrible. It was ok to take things. I was ok to kill people . It was ok to starve. It was ok to leave others behind. It was ok to do whatever you had to do to survive.
We men agreed to let the girls bathe first. After Punze, it would be Meri then Wendy then Pocahontas then Belle then Mulan. Great.
I guess us guys are showering tomorrow.
I could hear Punzie singing upstairs. I was lost in her voice it was amazing. I could barely hear her, but I focused and could hear small bells and runs as she sang.
I never have heard the song she was singing.
I guess she made it up. She was always good at making up songs then and there.

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