the responses

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demi's P.O.V

after harry texts me my heart drops he was doing so good before he left, he was soo happy what happened. i need to get to england

i get on simon's private jet and i make my way to england

Liams P.O.V

my phone text alert goes off

new message from harold

" hey li its harry i really want to say thank you for being there for me, through it all. it hurts me to say this but goodbye"

i text harry back " where are you hazza please answer me"

but he doesn't respond

zayn's P.O.V

my phone vibrates in my pocket and i lift nialler off of me so i can grab it and i check it and it says new message from hazza

"hey nialler i have to go to the bathroom my mom wants to talk to me"

"ok zaynie"

i read the message

" hey z you are my best friend and this is going to be so difficult to say, but i guess i have to say it, goodbye buddy, i am sorry i screwed up you and niall, i guess thats what happens whe you just fuck everything up"

my brain starts racing i text the one person i know can help

"hey anne is harry home"

"yah he came home earlier this morning why" she responds back

" have you talked to him recently" i text

" no he has been really quiet i thought he needed some time alone"

"please go check on him for me"

"okay zayn"

Louis P.O.V

i can't believe what he said i finally accepted his love and he tell me he can't be with me the nerve of him

my phone goes off and i read it says one new message from haz i see what he says

" lou you meant the world to me you are my everything you made me smile for so long and even when i left you were on my mind 24/7 but louis when i said no at the hospital i saw the pain in your eyes and the sadness in your soul, i saw that i had broke you, you deserve someone better than me, plus josh has a better voice than me i am pretty sure he would be better in the band than i ever was goodbye boo bear i love you "

tears start rushing down my cheek, is this how he really feels is this the real harry had i broken him that much to the point where he will commit suicide

"harry if you are still there please dont do this i love you baby please dont give up" but there is still no answer

niall's P.O.V.

i wonder what made zayn leave so quickly, he never acts like this

my text alert goes off and it says one message from harry i am scared to open it

but i do anyway

nialler i am sorry for all the pain i have caused you, i am sorry about worrying you and now i know why i did the things i did, because that first time we were in the hospital i noticed something, something that scared me i was in love with louis but ni i was head over heels for you and i was scared so i ran away, i ran away from all the pain i ran away from the people i loved and that loved me, so niall i want you to love zayn like i could't love you goodbye leprechaun i love you"

harry.... please....

he love me he really loves me, and i have loved him for a while,

"hazza i love you too plz don't do anything stupid"

He will never love me (Ziall)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now