Chapter 3.

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Monday~Sophia P.O.V.

I was walking to my 6th period listening to music. Zae and I talked all weekend. He's a pretty cool person. As I sat down in the girls locker room my phone buzzed.
Zae: Don't hate me but I lowkey forgot what you look like😬🤦🏽‍♂️

I scrunched my eyebrows as I replied

Me: Smh how did you forget?
Zae: I see a lot of girls during school it's kind of hard to remember what your face looks like after seeing you one time.

I rolled my eyes and thought to myself he was coming off as a bit cocky but I dismissed it.
Me: How about after school I show you my face. Where are you usually?

He replied and said that he's usually by the gym doors. I told him I'll meet him there and headed to dance class. I looked in the mirror at my face. Was it really that forgettable? I sighed and brushed it aside and began to stretch.

After School
I grabbed all the homework out my locker and started heading towards the commons. My heart was beating fast I don't know why I was so nervous all I had to do was walk up to him say hi maybe give him a hug, shit I don't know. I was so much in my thoughts, that I ran right into somebody.

"I'm so sorry." I said as I looked up, it was Zae
"It's all good." He said as he smiled
He started studying my face, I damn near passed out the way he was looking at me.
"Sophia right?" He asked
"Yea..." I said lowly
He was about to say something but got interrupted by his friends coming up to him and dapping him up. I frowned and walked away, I could feel him and his squad following behind me so I pulled out my phone and stared at the home screen to make it look like I was doing something. God why was I so nervous around him.
"You know you're gonna trip if you keep staring at your phone like that." Zae said smartly now walking beside me
"No, I can see where I'm going." I blushed
"Not if your eyes are down on your phone like that" he replied

I put my phone in my pocket and turned to face him
"There, happy?" I said crossing my arms
"Yea I guess." He chuckled
I couldn't look him straight in the face, I was too nervous to, so I would look past him or look down.
"Well I have to go." I said lying straight through my teeth
"Okay." He said twisting his hair "I'll text you later."
I smiled and walked away. My nerves got the best of me. I shook my head and continued walking towards my mom's car. Why was I so damn nervous?

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