Chapter 47.

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"I wanna love you in every kind of way..." -H.E.R


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I open my eyes slightly as the morning sunlight seeping through the blinds shines on my face. I stretch and look down. I was completely naked and was covered by the navy blue sheets on Pryce's bed. I look to my right and notice he's not there. I get up and put on one of his T-shirts as I look in the mirror. A smile comes to my face as I look at the hickeys on my neck. I am reminded of what happened last night. 

I gave Pryce my virginity...and it felt so good.

As I walk down the stairs I hear the sizzling of a skillet and feel the soreness of my body. He was beating my shit up.

As I walk in the kitchen I see Pryce cooking breakfast in his basketball shorts with no shirt on. I walk over to him and give him a kiss.

"Good morning." I smile up at him

"Morning Gorgeous." He smirks

"Good morning Abby." 

I turn around and notice Pryce's mom sitting at the table. I smile nervously

"Good Morning Mrs- ... Grace." I say correcting myself "Sorry I didn't see you."

"Oh it's okay I know Pryce cooking with no shirt on can be distracting." She says smiling between the both of us

I take a seat at the table as Pryce plates the food and joins us.

"So what did you guys do last night, when I came home you were both out cold." She laughs a little

I blush and look down at my food as Pryce looks at me.

"I made love to my girlfriend mom." He smiles still looking at me

"Pryce." I say hitting him

I was embarrassed. He told his mom that we had sex, in HER HOUSE.

"No baby it's okay." He says grabbing my face

"Well then... wasn't quite expecting that." She says "With protection I hope."

A flashback of last night plays in my head. We didn't use protection but Pryce did pull out... and nut on my chest. 

"Of course." Pryce lies

"Good." She smiles relieved "Make sure you wash those bed sheets after this and open a window in your room for fresh air to get in. I have to get going before I'm late for work." She says getting up from the table "Thanks for breakfast baby." Grace says kissing Pryce's forehead "It was nice seeing you Abby."

"Likewise." I smile

As soon as I hear her car pull out the driveway I punch Pryce in his arm.

"Ow." He says rubbing his arm

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