Chapter 48.

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"The feeling I feel when I'm with you, I can't get nowhere else."


1 Week Later



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I sit on the roof of my house waiting for Zae to come. I had something to tell him.

I wanna be his girlfriend.

After the other night it really got me thinking and I came to the conclusion that I really care about him and I had mad feelings for him that I tried to dismiss but no matter how hard I try I can't let them go. 

He's been trying so hard to prove himself to me and I never had somebody put so much effort in just to be with me. It meant a lot.

I watch as he climbs his way up to where I am and take a seat beside him.

"What's up?" He says casually

I smile and take a deep breath

"Zae... I wanna -"

"Sophia I'm moving." Zae says interrupting me

My heart sank. 

"Moving?" I raise my eyebrow "Wh-Where are you going?"

"My dad wants me to move to Atlanta with him and my mom thinks it's a good idea cause it'll give us time to reconnect or some shit like that."

"When did you find all this out?"

"Earlier today."

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I let fear win. I waited too long now he's moving away.

"When do you leave?" My voice cracked

"July 1st."

I nod as a tear slips out my right eye. I turn the other way so Zae couldn't see it.

"Are you crying?" He asks looking at me

"Do you wanna leave?" I ask avoiding his question

"Of course not but I don't have much of a say in it." He shakes his head "Sophia please don't cry." He says wiping a tear of my cheek

"I really wanted to know what it would be like to be with you Isaiah... but now you're leaving." I sniffle

"Y-Y-You want to be with me?" He stutters

"Yea that's what I called you over here to tell don't matter now though." I say looking away

"Sophia don't say that." He says grabbing my face to look at him "I leave in 3 weeks and in those 3 weeks I wanna spend as much time as I can with you, and it would mean the world to me if I could do that with you as my girlfriend."

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