Chapter 37.

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Late February

"All I know is we better make it to championships." I said

I was outside talking to some of the bros on the basketball team.  School was out and we were just chilling in the front. Abby was sitting on my lap. My arm was wrapped securely around her waist. She was playing in my hair and occasionally kissing me on my cheek as I continued to converse with the bros.

"Aye Pryce can I talk to you and Abby real quick?"

It was Armani. Everybody got quiet and looked at Abby and I for a response. Abby got off my lap and stood up as I did the same.

"About?" I raise my eyebrow

"I just have something to say to y'all." He said looking at Abby

I shrugged and we followed him down the sidewalk away from the team. 

"I just wanted to apologize for flirting with your girl and trying to get her to leave you. Abby I'm sorry if I put any strain in your relationship because of me you deserve happiness even if it ain't with me."

Is this nigga tryna say he could make her happy?

"It's okay. Thanks for apologizing." Abby said smiling lightly

What she mean it's okay? Did she really  just forgive this nigga?

"It's the least I could do. I should've never disrespected you or your relationship. See y'all around." He said walking away

"That was nice of him." Abby said looking at me

"Come on let's go to your house." I say ignoring her comment


Pryce followed me inside and I sat down on the couch as he stood up and leaned on the counter.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask him

The whole car ride was quiet that's how I know something was up.

"You forgave that nigga with no hesitation." He said looking at me

"I didn't say I forgave him I just thanked him for apologizing."

"Same shit."

"I don't hold grudges Pryce and he didn't have to apologize either but he did and I appreciated that."

"I don't think it's genuine he just wants an excuse to talk to you again."

"Pryce why didn't say all this when Armani was standing right in front of us? You got all this shit to say now. If you didn't think it was genuine, why didn't you say that then?" I ask him now standing up

"Cause he wasn't talking to me."

"What do you mean? Yes he wa-"

"This nigga was looking at you the whole time he didn't look at me once. He didn't apologize to me, he apologized to you."

"Same shit Pryce. He said sorry for disrespecting our relationship. He did apologize to you it just wasn't direct."

"Why you keep defending him?" 

"I'm not defending him, I'm just telling you how it is. A nigga that fucked up our relationship apologizes for what he did, and now your mad because he was looking at me the whole time he did it? That's stupid." I shake my head

"It's not stupid. Watch this nigga is gonna start talking to you again and you're gonna fall for his bullshit. Just watch." He says sitting down

"Now I get it. You don't trust me that's what it is. Why don't you trust me Pryce? Huh?" I ask standing over him

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