Chapter 50.

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"There's nowhere I'd rather be then here with you." - H.E.R.

June 30th

June 30th

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We made the best of it.

Zae was leaving tomorrow morning, I still couldn't believe 3 weeks already past. Here we are on my roof watching the sun go down silently. I chose not to say much and just enjoy these last moments of us being together. We were together for such a short time but we've been riding for each other for so long.

As the sky starts to darken we head in my room. My parents weren't home so Zae went to shower as I laid in my bed. As I watched Martin I started to cry and it wasn't a cry where I was ballin, tears just uncontrollably started streaming down my cheeks. Zae had my heart and he always did even when I try to deny it.

 As Zae enters the room I wipe away my tears as if that was going to stop him from noticing. He sighs and joins me on the bed holding me as I sniffle.

"You know ima miss you more than you miss me though." He says lifting my chin

"I don't think that's possible." I giggle a little

I sit up as he gets off the bed. He was shirtless and had some basketball shorts on. He starts to pace back and forth and then he sits back down.

"C-Ca-Can I ask you something." He stutters

He always stuttered when he was nervous.

"Why are you so nervous?" I question him

"Cause I don't know what your answer would be." He shrugs

"Just ask me." I say turning to face him

He looks down and twists his hair for a moment then he looks back up at me.

"Sophia, can I make love to you?"

I look in his eyes, the question was so genuine and the fact that he asked instead of just pushing himself on me made me notice Zae was really not like these other niggas. I was still a virgin which Zae knew and I didn't really see myself giving my virginity to anybody else.

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