Chapter 45.

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Summer Break


I look up at the stars in the night sky thinking about life

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I look up at the stars in the night sky thinking about life. I was at me and Zae's spot, the park with the blue slide. I was here by myself though. It's been a week since I went to Zae's house in the middle of the night to comfort him and I haven't talked to him since. I've gotten texts from him but I just need time to think. What do I want? What would make me happy? I definitely don't want to be in a relationship right now. It's too much work and stress. 

At the same time I love what Zae and I have. We can go to each other with anything no matter what it is.

"Just let me love you."

Those words play over in my mind. I wish it was easy for me to say fuck all the bullshit and let's just be together but it's not.

I look at the time, 11:00 at night. 

I sigh and get up to start heading back home. When I turn around...


"Zae, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." He says walking up to me

"Just came to clear my head, and you?"

"I was actually on my way to your window." He laughs a little

I laugh too and look at him. 

"Zae um  about the other day. " I hesitate "I'm just not ready for a serious relationship right now. I like what we already got going on lets just keep it that way."

"I understand." He says

He was disappointed I could tell.

"Sophia. You could still let me love you without us being in a relationship you know." He smiles

"How so?" I ask

Zae grabs my waist and kisses me. I hesitate for a moment but then I grab his face and began to kiss him back. It felt good.

"Like that." He smirks

I blushed foolishly. Zae was a good kisser and whenever he kissed me it made me weak.

"Let me come back to the house with you." He suggests


We walk back to my house and he goes around the back to climb up to my window. I walk in the house quietly. I make it to the staircase when the living room light turns on.


"Where have you been?" My mom asks

"I was at the park stargazing." I say

"At this time of night?"

"That's when the stars are out the most." I shrug

"Be more careful next time. I'm going to bed." She says as she goes into her room and shuts her door

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