Chapter 13.

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I've been moping around the house ever since Zae and I fell off. I was trying to figure out why Zae reacted the way he did. He made it seem like, he liked me, with the flirting and caring and all, of course I would think he's interested in me. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Hello." I said lowly
"Hey rat, help me with what to wear to my date with Pryce." Abby said excitedly
"Just wear clothes." I said dryly 
I wasn't really in the mood, I'm happy for her and all, but I just didn't want to hear about her and Pryce right now.
"Don't get smart hoe. Are you still over there being sad about Zae?"
"I'm not sad...just confused." I sighed
"Pick your head up and stop being sad over this nigga, he's not moping around the house being sad about you, is he? No exactly. So help me with my outfit."
She was right being sad isn't gonna help anything.
"You right. Okay so where is he taking you?"

I helped he with her outfit and wished her luck on her date and got off the phone. I turned on Bryson Tiller and laid in my bed, listening to his lyrics for some advice.


I looked in the mirror as I pulled my jeans over my waist

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I looked in the mirror as I pulled my jeans over my waist. My outfit was casual, we were only going to Boondocks anyways.
Text from Pryce🤤💙
I'm outside🙂

I quickly sprayed perfume on me and looked in the mirror one last time. I looked good. I opened the door and Pryce was standing there with flowers in his hand.
"Aweeee, you didn't have t-"
"But I wanted to." He smiled
"Thank you, I've never gotten flowers before." I said smelling them and putting them in a vase.
"It's no problem, anything for you." He said grabbing my hand. "Now let's go."

He led me to his car which was a Black BMW. I didn't care much about materialistic things but his car was nice. He opened the door for me and then got in the car.

"Can I trust you with the aux?" He asked seriously
"What kind of question is that boy, my playlist be slapping." I laughed
"Alright prove it then." He said handing me the aux cord.

I played Drake's Views album and I saw Pryce bumping his head to it and rapping along with it.
"See, told you my music be slappin."
"Yea yea yea." He said

The whole ride there consisted of us laughing rapping to the songs that played. I was really enjoying myself and we weren't even at Boondocks yet. When we finally arrived, he opened the door for me once again and we walked inside.

"Hi, welcome to Boondocks, have you been here before?" The worker asked
"Yea." We both said
"Spectacular, so what package would you like?"
"Could we do the unlimited go-carts and bowling and 200 on each card for the arcade."
"For sure, that will be $60."

I started to reach for my purse when Pryce stopped me.

"I got you shorty." He smiled
I watched him pull out his wallet, that was full of money. I wonder how he had so much.

"Thank you." I smiled
"Anything for you, come on I want to beat you in go-carts first." He said pulling me to the line for go-carts

While we were waiting I took it as an opportunity to ask him why he had so much money.

"I noticed that you had a lot of bills there in your wallet earlier." I said
"Yea ya boy stay stacked." He said smirking
"Haha, you're not selling drugs are you?" I asked in a serious tone
His smirk faded and his face turned serious. I think I offended him
"Pryce I'm sorry I-"
"No no it's fine, I work at the amazon factory downtown they pay like $20 an hour." He said lightly smiling
"Oh okay good. You're too pretty to be selling drugs." I joked
"Haha very funny." He said wrapping his arm around me

I started smiling so hard but I didn't want Pryce to see me feeling him just yet so I played it cool.

We raced go-carts and at first he was winning but I past him up last minute.

"Looks like you took an L." I said pushing him as we got out.
"Yea yea I'll come back in bowling just watch." He said

We decided to leave bowling for last and we played games in the arcade. He was really a child at heart but it was cute. He was cute. He tended to try and make me laugh a lot at times, and I liked that about him.

We started bowling and my turn came up. To be honest, I sucked at bowling I didn't get how to roll the ball and it was all just too confusing for me. Pryce was good at it though. I grabbed a ball and stood behind the white line in front of our lane. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of him. So I just stood there trying to figure out something I could do. When I felt a presence behind me.

"Here, I'll teach you." Pryce said smiling down at me

I nodded my head and turned back towards the lane. He placed his hand on my waist and I felt shivers go through my body. Lord give me the strength. He placed his hand on top of mine which was holding the ball and showed me the motion of how to roll it.

"You think you got it now?" He asked
"Huh? Oh yea I think." I blushed
"Alright then let's see." He said stepping back

I got a spare which wasn't bad for somebody who's as straight up ass at it. Pryce ended up winning but I didn't mind. As we were walking back towards his car, he grabbed my hand and linked them in his.

"You be smiling hard, anytime I touch you." He said smirking
"You seem to pay a lot off attention to me." I said looking at him
"Oh, yes I do. Especially when you scrunch your eyebrows when you're really focused. Or how when you smile you have two arrows at the top of your lip."
He began to step closer towards me I was leaning on his car. I didn't even notice we got to his car already.
"Or how every time you laugh you look away or cover your mouth? Hiding that beautiful smile of yours."
Damn he really does pay attention to me, he knew every detail.

"Or how every time I give you a compliment, you blush and put your head down. Just like how you are now." He said lifting up my chin

Our eyes met and I watched as his traveled down to my lips. I didn't want to kiss him yet. It was just the first date.
"We gonna lean against the car all day or are you going to open the door for me?" I said smartly

He chuckled and backed away from me as he opened the door.

The drive home was a little more quiet but we caught ourselves staring at each other a few times. When we pulled up to my house we got out the car and stood in front of it.

"I really enjoyed myself tonight." I said
"Good, that was the plan." Pryce said "I meant to tell you, you lookin good in that outfit baby girl."
He looked me up and down and bit his bottom lip damn this boy was fine

"Thank you." I blushed this time keeping my head up

He walked me to my door and we stopped in front of it. I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We said goodnight and parted ways. This day was perfect. 

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