Chapter 21.

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   It's cuffing season and everyone around me is getting cuffed. Cuffing season is not my favorite because I never get cuffed. I'm always stuck in the talking stage, or within a relationship that's about to end. This season hasn't been that bad though, cause I have H.I.M.

Right now I'm sitting at a lunch table with all of Zae's friends. They were all pretty funny together. Their jokes had me weak.

"So are you and Zae official?" Garret asked me lowly

"No we're not dating." I said bluntly

"So what are you guys doing?" Garret asked raising his eyebrows

"We have something and we both know we have something, that's all I can say."

"I guess." Garret shrugged

Talking to Garret made me want to have a title to put on what me and Zae had though. It would be nice to know what we are actually doing. The bell rang indicating the end of lunch and I grabbed my bag and got up. Zae grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"Why you in such a rush, slow down." He smiled

"I have to go to my locker before class, I don't want to be late." I lied

I needed to think about some things, what exactly were Zae and I doing though? Is he mines, am I his? My head was full of questions.

"Alright then." He said pulling me in for a hug

 I hugged him back tightly and walked down the hall to my class. I was going to ask Zae what exactly we were doing, I just wasn't sure how I was going to go about it.

After School

@ Home

I paced around my room back and forth, before I called Zae. We were going to facetime like we do every night but tonight, I was going to ask him what we were. I set my laptop on my bed and sat in front of it with my legs crossed as I dialed Zae. He answered on the second ring.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled

"Hi." I said shyly as if we were talking for the first time

I decided not to rush in to asking him, I wanted to set a good mood first then ask him. After several laughs and good conversation. I went for it.

"Zae can I ask you something?"

"Yea what's up." He smiled

"Um." I cleared my throat. "What are we?"

He looked at me then looked away from the camera before answering. I hope I didn't mess everything up by asking this but I just need to know.

"You know what we have, I know what we have. So what more is there to say?" He said

"I know that Zae but what does that mean? Are you my boyfriend, am I single, should I be mad when I see you with other females, like I need to know."

"Sophia, it's all about the vibe. Sometimes you just have to go along with it before we start putting titles on things."

I looked down and fiddled with my fingers as he spoke. I wasn't expecting him to say that he was my boyfriend or anything, but I was at least expecting him to give me a clearer picture of what we're doing.

"We both agreed on taking it slow. So let's stick to that and not be selfish and pick up the pace and expect the other person to keep up."

"I'm not being selfish, I just asked a question so I can get a understanding, I'm not forcing you into anything Isaiah."

"Did I say you were?" He asked with an attitude

Here we go again. Another argument.

"I'm not with the arguing tonight, alright so don't start this." I said

"I'm not arguing with you Sophia, I'm simply giving you an answer to the question you asked. That's what you wanted right?"

I didn't answer him, he's trying to get a reaction out of me so he could be the victim. He always does this each time we argue.

"Mm. I get it, that's not what you wanted to here huh? You thought I was just going to slap a title on what we got when we're not even ready for one. Look at us, we argue so much already and we're not even together."

"I wasn't expecting you to give us a title, I just wanted a better understanding, that's all Isaiah." I said now looking at him

He sighed and looked down. There was now a silence between us, I stared at him as he looked up at me and then away again.

"Look, I still have homework to do and I'm tired, see you tomorrow or something."

He was making excuses to hang up on me. I rolled my eyes and sighed

"Do what you gotta do Isaiah."

I closed my laptop and turned off my light. I laid back in my bed, and looked out the window in to the night sky. So much for cuffing season

Hey loves. Here's an update for you. Appreciate the views, it gives me motivation to keep writing, to keep telling my story. Next update coming soon!

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