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  Distance can mend or break any relationship. Zae and I went from talking everyday to just a few times a month. Which I expected and is one of the reasons why I didn't push for a long distance relationship. Throughout the rest of the summer I had flings but none of them compared to what Zae and I had.  His dad ended up letting him move back and finish school. When he came back though it wasn't the same, we weren't the same. Whether or not we wanted to get back together was never discussed neither where are feelings stood. 


The first few weeks of being single were hard. There were times where I found myself wanting to call Pryce but it wasn't because I missed him, I just felt lonely. Due to these urges I deleted his number and on all social media. After getting passed the grieving stage I became content with myself. Pryce wasn't the one. If he was we would still be together. 

Look what I did
Versus what I have done
Like all those time I told you what you wanted to hear
Instead of exactly what I want...


H.I.M. & H.E.R.🖤💕Where stories live. Discover now