Chapter 9.

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1 month later

Zae P.O.V.
Sophia and I haven't talked in a while. Recently she seems down, not herself. I haven't seen her in awhile either. It was lunch and I was with my boys as usual and scanned the lunchroom. I saw her. She was at a table with her friends but her head was down she wasn't joking with them as usual. For some reason, seeing her down made me feel down, I decided to get her attention.

Sophia P.O.V.
I listened to my friend's as they talked about their love lives and how great it was going for them, I listened but said nothing. I'm over Caleb, I'm just hurt still that's all. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating
Snapchat from Zae😻
Zae? We haven't talked since homecoming honestly. It made me smile a little, I opened it.
Zae: What's wrong you look down?😕
Sophia: How do you know what I look like?🤔
Zae: Look up, across the lunchroom.

I did as he said and there he was. This was the first time we've made steady eye contact and my heart was racing. He smiled at me, and I blushed. He motioned for me to come here. I shook my head no, I was too nervous.
Zae: Girl if you don't get your butt over here🙄
I laughed and started getting up from my seat.

"Where you going?" My friend Imani asked
"I'll be back." I said heading over to where Zae was
My heart was racing, what am I gonna say, I can't say hi that'll sound stupid. As I got closer to him he kept looking at me, making me put my head down. I stood next to him and leaned against the wall. All his friends were staring at me making me fidgety.
"Now, was that hard?" He asked
"Yes, that walk was pretty far, I'm out of breath." I joked trying to ease the tension
"Aha, what's up with you, you okay? I haven't seen you in awhile." He said worriedly
He looked so concern his face said it all . He must care about me then.

I told Zae everything that happen with Caleb and I, and how I've been feeling. He listened intently and didn't interrupt or anything.
"So that's why you been so sad?" He asked
"Well, yea." I shrugged
"Well, you can't mope around for the rest of your life over somebody that clearly didn't see what he had. Anybody would be blessed to have you and if they can't see that then you don't need them in your life. Keep your head up, you're too beautiful to be being all sad and down."
My dimples were hurting I was smiling hard. I put my head down and looked in another direction.

"Why do you always do that?" Zae asked
"Do what?"
"Look away and blush whenever I give you a compliment or put your head down, I want to see you smile I haven't seen them dimples in a while." He said poking my cheek
Lord Jesus this boy
"It's a habit, I'll work on it." I said
"Alright I-"
The bell rang for 5th period cutting him off. I was going to say something, when that same lightskin girl he was walking out of homecoming with walked up to him along with her friends, interrupting the vibe we had going.

"Zae walk me to class pleaseeeeeee." She begged
I walked away and rolled my eyes. I heard someone calling my name but I didn't turn around to see who it was. I got to class and my phone went off.

Zae: You seemed upset walking away, what I do? 😕
Me: That girl, you guys have a thing or something?
Zae: Nahh😂 it's not like that.
Me: Mhm.

I put my phone on do not disturb and focused my attention on the teacher. I'm definitely not gonna be out here looking stupid again. Then again, why was I tripping, me and Zae don't date, and it's not like I like him. Do I?

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