Chapter 28.

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Christmas Day


"So how are you and Zae?" I asked Sophia

We were at our family's Christmas dinner and let's just say it's not lit.

"We're good, we hung out the other day." She smiled

"How if your grounded?"

"I have my ways." She smirked "I snuck out." She said lowly

"Look at you being a bad ass little kid." I joked "What'd you guys do?"

"We watched Martin, cuddled, then he started tickling me and we had a moment th-"

"Y'all kissed?"

"No, we almost did though." She blushed

"So why didn't you?" I questioned

"We're not dating yet and plus we're taking it slow."

"But you don't have to go thaaaaaaatttt slooooooowww."

"Yea, yea." She laughed

Incoming Call from Baby

"I'll be back." I said


I headed to the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

"Hey baby." I said into the phone

"Hey, where are you?"

"At my family's little get together. Why, what's up?"

"I want you to meet my mom."

A wave of anxiety came over me. Meet his mom, I mean that's great but what if she doesn't like me? Is this the right time?

"You okay? You're breathing heavily." Pryce asked

"What if she doesn't like me Pryce? Are you sure this isn't too soon? Should we wait a little longer?"

"Baby, baby calm down okay. She'll like you I promise."

"Okay." I said slowing down my breathing

"Now, where you at so I can come get you."

"I'm at my cousin's house, I'll send you the address, I'll have to tell my mom I'm leaving though."

"Alright you handle that. I'll let you know when I'm outside."

"Okay." I said hanging up

I went back out to the living room and looked for my mom. I spotted her in the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm gonna leave soon."

"Where are you going?"

"My friend invited me over for dinner so he's gonna pick me up."

H.I.M. & H.E.R.🖤💕Where stories live. Discover now