Chapter 5.

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Homecoming Night
Sophia P.O.V.
Tonight was homecoming and I was excited lowkey. I was at the salon getting my hair done, I was gonna curl it, I didn't want to do anything extra just simple. I looked in the mirror as the hair stylist was adding the finishing touches.
"So do you have a date?" She asked
"Who, me?" I stuttered "Oh, no I'm going with friends. I smiled
"Oh well I hope you have fun your hair looks gorgeous." She said
"Thanks to you." I said
I payed her and walked out to my mom's car. It was time to get ready.

I walked upstairs to see my best friend applying mascara to her lashes.

"I like your hair. " she said
"Thank you." I smiled

I started putting on the jumpsuit I was going to wear. It was all black and had a deep neckline. I slid on my nude heels and looked in the mirror. My booty was jiggling in this jumpsuit. I started twerking a little.

"Girls 5 minutes." My mom yelled from downstairs
"Okay." We yelled back

I applied mascara and some light foundation to my face and looked in the mirror. Abby walked in my room and she looked good. She had on a pink spaghetti strapped dress with the back out and heels to match. Her hair was straightened.

"Yea Abby!!" I said gassing her " No, no stop

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"Yea Abby!!" I said gassing her
" No, no stop." She said blushing
"Ya look good roach." I giggled.
We called each other rat and roach it was just a thing we did for some reason. I looked in the mirror one last time and headed downstairs to my mom.

"You guys look good." She said smiling
"Thanks." We said
"Well we better get going, you guys still have to take pictures and go to dinner."

With that we got in the car and headed towards my friend Tyjae's house. We were going to link up with her and her boyfriend and take pictures at the fountain and the go out to Friday's for dinner. It was gonna be a great night I could tell.

We just finished dinner and it was alright. I got some Greek burger thingy. Never again. The check came and I glanced at the total $30.90. Abby reached into her purse. I told her to keep my money in there because I wasn't carrying a purse tonight. We only had $25. Yikes!
"Bitch what are we gonna do?" Abby asked worriedly
"Shiiiiiiittt, just give them the $25 and let's bounce. The meal wasn't worth $30 anyway.
We laughed and put $25 in the check. and walked out the restaurant. We were laughing so hard we couldn't walk straight. We got in Tyjae's mom car and we're off to Homecoming. I looked at the time and we were running a little late. Doors open at 8 and it was 8:05. I shrugged my shoulders and locked my phone. Then it vibrated.

Baby❤️🔐💍: Have fun tonight gorgeous. Don't be dancing on any guys. Your mines🔐. Love you😘

I smiled and started typing.

Me: I won't baby😂. Love you too❤️

"Must be nice, to have someone to love." Abby sighed
"Awe don't worry you'll find someone roach." I said nudging her "Maybe even tonight.

"Mhm we'll see." She said and looked out the window.

We were pulling up to the main entrance Abby's legs were shaking against mines. She stay getting nervous. We said bye and thank you to Tyjae's mom and walked towards the steps. Me and Abby held hands and cut through the line as usual. Here we go.

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