Chapter 26.

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Same Day


Armani hasn't talked to me in weeks for why, I don't know. Ever since our little run in with Pryce at the mall he's just been acting distant. He doesn't reply to my texts and he doesn't talk to me in class. Every time I make an effort to talk to him he walks away from me fast or puts his headphones in.

"You okay baby?" Pryce asked

"Yea, why?"

"You just seem deep in thought."

"Oh, yea I'm good. Thank you for walking me to class." I said hugging him

"Baby it's no problem, you know that. Be a good kid."

Pryce kissed my forehead and I walked in class. It was French. The class I have with Armani. I took my seat and looked over in his direction. Surprisingly he was already looking at me, he look like he was thinking about something. I looked away and half listened to the directions the teacher was giving us on our last assignment.

Halfway through class Armani asked to use the bathroom and left class. After he left my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Armani: Come out in the hallway.

Me: Why?

Armani: Look, are you gonna come or what?

I got up from my seat and made my way over to the teacher's desk.

"Can I use the bathroom?"

"Somebody is out right now."

Don't you think I know that hoe?

"I just started my period." I lied

"Well then, go ahead please." The teacher said rushing me out the classroom

I walked down to the end of the hall and saw Armani sitting down on the ledge of the window. I stood up in front of him as he looked at me.

"Hey." He said

I know this nigga did not just pull me out of class just to say some "hey"

"You ignore me for weeks and the first thing you say to me is hey?" I say crossing my arms

"Howdy. Is that better?" He asked smartly

I wanted to laugh so bad at his stupid joke but I'm mad at him.

"Look Abby I'm sorry." He said pulling my arm

"Why have you been ignoring me? I didn't do anything to you."

"I know that..."

"So why have you been ignoring me?" I asked interrupting him

He put his hand in his hair and started twisting it. He sighed and then got up and stood in front of me.

"Look Abby, I'm not gonna sit here and front, I got a thing for you, and when I see you posted up with Pryce, it makes me mad, it makes me envious, and it makes me feel guilty. I have a girl and no doubt she means the world to me, but when I'm with you I feel this vibe between us and it makes me want to leave Kailey to be with you. All these weeks I've been ignoring you because I was trying to make sense of it all. I tried doubting the fact that I have feelings for you but everyday I see you gives me more reason to like you. Your smile, your laugh. Look I'm not expecting you to feel the same but you asked me why I have been ignoring you. Well I was trying to build the courage to say all this to you."

I stood there speechless. I didn't know how to react to what Armani just said to me. He looked into my eyes, as if he was searching for some reaction through my facial expressions.

"Armani, I really don't know what to say. It's a lot to process all at once."

"I understand that. I just want to know how you feel."

"I don't know how I feel right now." I said looking down

Armani sat back down and sighed. I wish I had the words to say but I don't.

"We should get back to class."

"You go ahead." He said not even looking at me

I walked back to class with a million thoughts running through my head. Do I have feelings for Armani?

Sorry for any errors. Almost at 400 views!!!!! I'll update very soon ya girl is on Fall break. Love you guys!

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