Chapter 32.

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"Everything good takes time."



It's been almost two weeks since Pryce got mad at me about Armani. I apologized to him the day after and he said he forgives me but things aren't gonna go back to the way they were just like that. He said it'll take time for things to be the same again. I thought he meant space but over the weeks I learned that's not what he meant. Pryce still walks me to each class, we still have lunch together, and he still drives me home, we still facetime, text, and talk on the phone. We do everything we always did he just doesn't... touch me, and every time I try he backs away from me or moves his face away. He won't hold my hand, kiss me, hug me, or even stand too close to me. I honestly hate it but it's what I get. I was entertaining another nigga so I guess this is my punishment or some shit. But it's been almost 2 weeks and he won't even call me baby or bae he just calls me by my name. I miss being held by him, and kissing him. I realized the little things like that I took for granted. Whenever this punishment is over I definitely learned my lesson.

As for Armani, his nose broke that day Pryce punched him. Pryce didn't get suspended surprisingly. I blocked Armani's number and Pryce made me block him on all social media. Kailey his girlfriend hates me but that's irrelevant. Armani sits on the other side of the classroom now but I still find him staring at me sometimes.

"Daaaannnnggg he won't even hold your hand?" My friend Bright asked "That sucks."

"It is what it is." I shrug

"No it's not. Look at you all down in the dumps and shit." Bright said 

"Ain't nobody down in the dumps." I laugh

"Yes you are you need some pipe from Pryce specifically."

"I'll be fine." I sigh

"Hey I was waiting by your locker." Pryce said sitting down next to me

"My bad, I was talking to Bright and ended up walking to the lunchroom."

"Oh did you want to go somewhere?" He asked

"No I'm not that hungry anyway." 

"You alright? You look down." Pryce said eyeing me

"That's what I was saying." Bright said jumping into our conversation "You need to give her some pi-"

"Bright please." I say interrupting her

"Fine fine, you need to show her some love though I mean damn she is your girlfriend kiss on her show her some affection." She said before turning her attention back to her phone

"We'll talk about all that another time, how's your day going?" Pryce asked changing the subject

Through our basic conversation all I could think about was what Bright said. She was right, yes I made a mistake but damn how long was he gonna keep this up.

After School

I sat in Pryce's car on the way home annoyed. I decided I was gonna tell Pryce about how I was feeling when we got to my house.

As we pulled up I got out and walked over to Pryce as he leaned against the front of his car.

"When are you gonna stop this?" I asked

"Stop what?" He responded acting clueless

"Not touching me. Pryce I said I was sorry it's been basically 2 weeks since all that happen I think that's enough time I learned my lesson baby. I miss kissing you and you holding me." I whine as I lean into him

He looks away then back down at me with a sly ass smirk on his face

"This isn't funny show me affection." I beg as I link our hands together

He pulls me into him and wraps his arms around me. Lord knows I missed this.

"You miss Papi Pryce?" He asks as he smirks down at me

"Yessssss." I say as I roll my eyes playfully

"I wanna hear you say it."

"Fineee. I miss you Papi Pryce." I giggle

"I don't believe you." He says turning his head away from me

"Nigga you better." I say punching him

"Okay okay." He says chuckling "Come here." He says leaning his face into mine

He kisses me and I slip my tongue in his mouth as I put my hand on his face. I feel his hands slip down and grab a handful of my ass before I pull away when something pokes me.

"Seems like you missed me more then I did." I smirk as I look down at his crotch

"I'm not gonna lie I did miss you but I had to teach you a lesson, looks like you learned it though." He says chin checking me

"I did." I smile kissing him again

"Okay well I wanna take you somewhere tomorrow. I'll text you later with details."

"Ooo a date okay." I smile

Pryce smiled then looked off in to the distance as if he was thinking about something.

"One of my biggest fears is losing you, so when I saw what was going on with Armani, I thought I was losing you."

"I'm not going anywhere baby, I told you that."

"Together." He said holding out his pinkie

"Forever." I smile latching mine onto his

Took me a while to update, but here you go. Let's get those views up!

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