Chapter 16.

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"So was his lips juicy?" I joked with Abby

"Shut up, I'm not gonna lie they were soft though." She laughed

"I'm dead look at you, all blushing you really feeling this dude huh?"

"I'm not gonna lie, I got mad feelings for him." She said looking down

"Awww that's so cute, I'm happy for you." I said nudging her

"Yea, yea, yea. How are you and Zae?" 

"There is no "me and Zae" we're just getting to know each other."

"Is that what y'all call it?" She asked

"I don't want what we have to be all gassed up because we're not even dating or anything. I'm keeping my feelings low and what we have on the same level." I said checking my phone

Text Message 

Zae: Hop on Facetime with me?"

I smiled to myself, Zae and I never facetimed before.

"Is that him?" Abby asked looking over my phone

"Yea, he just asked me to hop on Facetime with him." I said smiling a little

"Well that's my cue. Pryce wants to meet up with me later anyways."

"Where are you guys going?" 

"He wouldn't tell me." She shrugged

"Not the surprises." I said laughing

"Shut up, love you sis." She said walking out the door

"Love you too."

I went upstairs and looked for something to wear. Even though we were just gonna be on facetime I still wanted to look decent. I put on a black tank and some nike shorts and left my hair down. I looked on the camera on my phone to make sure I looked alright.

I open my window so some light can come in and sat on my bed as I called Zae

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I open my window so some light can come in and sat on my bed as I called Zae. He answered on the first ring.

"Took you long enough." He sighed

"Ohh shush at least I still facetimed you." I rolled my eyes

Boy always got an attitude like for what?

"I mean I guess. What you up to?" He asked looking straight at me

"Not much I was just hanging out with my best friend." I said

"That's wassup. You look good." He smirked

"Thanks." I blushed holding my head down

"You don't wear makeup huh?" 

"No, not really." I shrugged

"That's good. You got that natural beauty then. I like that." He smiled

I blushed and shook my head and looked away

"Look at you over there blushing. That's cute." He said

"Stooooop gassing me." I giggled "Can I ask you something though?"

"You just did." 

Smart ass

"Zae stop playing." I said

"Okay, Okay, wassup?"

"What was your last relationship like?" I said nervously

I know he doesn't want to talk about it but I wanna know

He sighed and looked away from the camera then he looked down

"We were dating for about a year. One day I called her and she wasn't answering, so I figured I go by her house and check on her to make sure everything was alright. It wasn't like her to not answer her phone you know. I got to her house and the door was opened so I just went inside and there she was...... fucking another nigga." He chuckled "I did everything for that girl you know spent a whole year with her just to find out I wasted my time."

"I'm sorry Zae." I looked down

"Don't be, you're not the one that cheated on me." He laughed

"I know that but still I'm sorry that happened to you, you didn't deserve that."

"I appreciate that."

There was a silence, and we just stared at each other. He broke the stare and looked down

"You know I never told anyone about my past relationship."

"I must be special then." I said smiling a little

"Yea, you are." He smiled back

2 hours later

"You know I can cook right." Zae said rubbing his hands together

"Uh oh, Chef Zae."

"You know me." He said rubbing his face

"What can you cook?" I asked

"Anything, I'm good at Italian food though." 

"For real? I do like me some Alfredo."

"Maybe I'll come through and fix you a little something one day." He smirked

"I'd like that." I blushed

He smiled at me and bit his bottom lip, I swear my heart was about to fall out my chest the way this boy was looking at me.

"I'm very attracted to you." He said bluntly

I smiled and looked up at him

"The feeling is mutual sir."

"I've never been on Facetime with anybody this long. Over 2 hours damn." He said laughing

"That's what happens when you're having good conversation with somebody, you lose track of time."

"No doubt, but I need to get ready for basketball practice sooooo." He said as he started chuckling

His brace face smile was so attractive 

"Haha alright , I'll let you get going then." I said running my hands through my hair

"Awe are you gonna miss me?" He teased

"A little bit, I'm not gonna lie." I laughed

"Aha, I'll text you after practice ma."

"Ooo ma? I like that name." I blushed

"Say less. Alright bye." He smiled


I hung up and laid back in my bed. Keeping my feelings low was definitely going to be a struggle.

Sorry for any errors. Thanks for the views!!!

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