Chapter 42.

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"I don't get high but looking in your eyes I'm lifted..." -H.E.R


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Spring Break


I sat in the bleachers as I watched Zae dribble the ball down the court. I was at another one of his basketball games. Besides his mom, dad, and me he doesn't really have much support. Zae's team was winning by 10 points and it was the 4th quarter.

I watched in the corner of my eye as a group of girls walked into the gym full of smiles. One started cheering for Maaliq and another one was screaming for Zae. I rolled my eyes at the whole thing.

"Groupies." I mumbled under my breath

"Aren't you that girl Zae walked home the other night?" A man asked me

It was Zae's dad, he resembled Zae a little.

"Yeah that's me." I replied

"I thought so, I'm Zae's dad." He said holding out his hand

"I'm Sophia." I said nervously

"So how long have you guys been dating?"

"Oh we're no-"

I was cut off by the buzzer going off and everybody in the stands cheering, including Zae's dad. I took this as an opportunity to move away cause I didn't want to finish answering his question. Zae and I weren't dating and it's kinda hard to explain what exactly we're doing especially to his dad.

As I got down to the court I saw the same girl who was cheering for Zae all hugged up on him. Surprisingly, I wasn't tripping at all. I shook my head and started walking out the gym. I called my mom telling her the game was done and to come get me. 

I really cared about Zae but this time around I wasn't gonna catch feelings so fast.



I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes as I heard another quiet knock at my window. I walked over and opened it revealing Zae staring at me.

"Took you long enough." Zae whispered climbing into the inside of my room

"I was sleeping." I yawn

"How come you didn't stay after the game?" He asked 

"Seemed like you had your hands full." I say nonchalantly leaning against the wall

"Don't tell me you're mad over that." He chuckles a little

"Who's mad?" I laugh "I'm not even tripping Zae."

He pulls me bringing me in between his legs as he links our hands together.

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