Chapter 44.

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"You're love is my medicine..."

Later that Night 


I walk into Zae's house dressed in gray sweats and a white tank top. It was midnight when he sent me this text.

I need you

I didn't know what was going on but with no question I walked over here in the dark for him, all because he needed me. I really do care for this nigga.

I walk up the stairs and find Zae on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. I look around the room and notice everything was on the floor and there was a hole in the wall. I make my way across the room and sit next to him

"Zae, are you okay?" I ask worried

Zae looks at me then lays his head in my lap.

"We don't have to talk about it right now, okay?"  I say rubbing his arm

He sits up nods his head and gets up. The knuckles on his right hand were red so I'm guessing that hole in the wall was from him. As he goes to the bathroom I try to piece two and two together of what could've happened before I came over here. Zae must've been upset about something came in his room knocked all his shit over and punched a hole in the wall. What could've made him so upset? I mean I never seen Zae like this. It's like he lost it then shut down.

He enters the room with his knuckles wrapped up and kicks a few things to the side. I turn on the t.v. so we weren't just in dead silence. I lay back on the bed as he changes into some sweats and a wife beater. I look the other way to stop myself from looking at his dickprint.

He comes in the bed and hovers over me.

"Promise me you won't leave in the middle of the night." He says looking in my eyes

I think of all the consequences that would come my way if my parents didn't find me in my room tomorrow morning. I sigh and grab Zae's face.

"I promise."

He lays his head on my chest and wraps his arms around me. I play in his hair for comfort as he slowly begins to fall asleep on me.

The sacrifices I make for Zae and he's not even my man.

Next Morning


I wake up in the same position I fell asleep in. Sophia was still sleeping. I get up to find my room as if I never trashed it. Everything was back on my dresser and even the hole in the wall was covered. I look at the time.

8:00 AM

I shake Sophia gently and she wakes up and rubs her eyes. She stretches and rolls over my way.

"Did you clean my room?" I ask

"Yea, last night. I couldn't fall asleep so I thought why not."

"You didn't have t-..."

"Zae it's nothing don't worry about it."

She gets up and checks her phone. A look of relief washes over her face. She locks her phone then walks around to the mirror. I grab her hand and pull her to me.

"Domonique came over here last night." I say

"Who's Domonique?" She asks puzzled

"My ex." Saying that word began to make me upset all over again

"The one that cheated on you? What did she want?"

"She wanted me back. After cussing her out and kicking her out my house I just lost it and well you saw the mess I made." I say looking at her

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