Chapter 15.

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I laughed as my friends Imani and Jaelyn started arguing over petty things. I made eye contact with Zae and he signaled me to check my phone.

Message from Zae

Zae: Me and your cousin are about to come over there.

Me: Lol why?

Zae: Cause it seems lit, my friends are not lit lmao

Me:Smh alrighty

My heart began beating fast as I saw Zae began to walk over in my direction with Garret following him. I really need to work on my nerves, I don't even know why I get so nervous.

"Hey Cuzzo." I said dapping him up he didn't really like hugs

"Wassup, wassup."

"Hi Zae." I said shyly

"Scoot over so I can sit." He said trying to squeeze in on the corner of the seat beside me

I laughed at his effort to fit on the seat. 

"You good?" I said laughing

"No half my ass is hanging off scoot over some more." He said pushing me with his elbow

I laughed as his elbow kept hitting my side I was ticklish there. He caught on and started tickling me till I moved over some more.

"Stooooppppp!!" I said grabbing his hands as I continued to laugh and scoot over some

"You're so ticklish there." He said poking my side once again

"Yea I know, don't do that again." I said

"Can't promise you that."

The rest of lunch Zae and I talked and joked around with each other. There was some vibe I felt between us and I was digging it.

Bell rings

I sighed as I heard the bell I didn't want to go to class I wanted to stay here and talk with Zae.

"It's okay you'll see me after school."

He must've heard me sigh

"Nahh I wasn't sighing about that." I smirked

"Mhm whatever you say Sophia, I'll text you." He said as he hugged me

"Alright, bet." I said as I hugged him back

As I walked to class I felt a tug on my arm

"So you and Zae huh?" Garret said nudging me

"Don't gas it we're not a thing." I said rolling my eyes

"Y'all was mad flirting though, you probably forgot I was even there." He said

"Lowkey." I laughed

"Just be careful." He said as he walked away

Why would I need to be careful?


I walked into the lunchroom smiling as Pryce wrapped his arm around me. We sat down with my friend Bright and Myah.

"Hey guys." I said

"Hey girl." They said in unison

We started conversing as some of Pryce's friends came and joined our table. I jumped as Pryce slid his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze.

"You good shawty?" He asked looking at me

"Yea, never better." I smiled

My smile faded when I saw Kimberly walking up to our table. Pryce noticed my facial expression and linked our hands together.

"Just stay calm, I got this." He said kissing my cheek

"Pryce can we talk?" She asked mugging me

She got some nerve

"Before you say anything, you need to apologize to my girl for coming at her disrespectful yesterday."

The table got quiet and all looked at Kimberly

"Your girl? Pryce baby I'm your girl, that's why I moved here so we can be together." She smiled

My leg started shaking under the table I know she did not just call MY nigga baby, Pryce better handle this shit because I'm 2 seconds away from dragging her.

"Kimberly we broke up 6 months ago and for those 6 months you didn't even check for a nigga. Now you just show up expecting us to just get together like everything between us is all good. Fuck no, I moved on so go somewhere with that shit." Pryce said looking away from her

"You broke up with me because you didn't want to do long distance now I moved here for you and you just going to throw me to the side for this hoe." She said pointing her finger at me

I smacked her hand and stood up

"My name is Abby not this hoe. So don't call me out my name unless you really want these problems."

"Bitch please, what are you gonna do?" She said smiling

I jumped at her but Pryce held me back

"Kimberly the fuck is you being disrespectful for, apologize to my girl right now." He said

"Hell no." She said flipping her hair

"Pryce move out the way so I can fuck her up." I said tapping my foot

"No Abby you're not about to get suspended over some dumb shit like this. Kimberly let me break this down for you because it seems like your dumbass don't comprehend shit easily. Me and you are no longer a thing so get that in your fucking head. I didn't tell your ass to move out here so I don't even know why you're here. Abby is my shorty and if you keep disrespecting her you're really gonna get fucked up. Alright you understand that?'

Look at him defending me and shit yaaaaassss he's a keeper

"Yes." she mumbled

"What I can't hear you." He said

"I said, I understand!" She yelled as she stormed out the lunchroom

"Come on." Pryce said grabbing my arm

We walked outside towards the parking lot getting in his car

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked looking at him

"You don't deserve that shit, so I have to make it up to you. She's my ex and I'm the reason she came here so it's my fault you're in all this drama."

"Pryce, no don't put this all on you. You didn't know she was coming so there is nothing you could've done to have prevented all this. She just doesn't know her place."

"You damn right she doesn't."

"Thank you for sticking up for me, I really appreciate it. I don't know many people that would do that." I said as I looked at him

He pulled into a parking spot and looked over at me

"Abby, you mean a lot to me alright. I don't ever want to see you upset especially if I'm the reason for it. I want to keep a smile on your face and nothing else." He said grabbing my face

I blushed and looked at his eyes and watched as they moved down to my lips. He leaned in and kissed me gently as a tingle went through my whole body.

He was my first kiss.....

Hey Guys!!!!!!!!! Back in school now so I won't be updating as often, but I will when I can. Give me feedback and let me know how I'm doing. Thanks for the views!!!!

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