Chapter 8.

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2 weeks later
Sophia P.O.V.
Today I was going to go spend some time with my boyfriend. I was getting ready when my phone rang it was Caleb.
"Hey baby." I said
" Hey umm aha look I won't be able to make it to the movies, sorry." He said

He sounded so sketchy

"Why is that?" I said sternly
"Something came up." He replied dryly
"Like what?" I said getting irritated by his lack of detail
"Look baby I will make it up to you I promise." He said into the phone

This is the second time he called off out time to hang out something has to be up.

"Yea, whatever. " I sighed into the phone
"Don't be mad." He said
"Bye Caleb." I said hanging up before he could stop me

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, what is happening why is he always cancelling all of a sudden? We were supposed to go see a movie today.

"Well, let me not let this outfit go to waste." I said to myself

I went downstairs and asked my mom to drive me to the movie theatre and she said she would. Zae came across my mind on the way there. I haven't really talked to him since homecoming. Like once or twice by it was just meaningless conversation....

"Sophia." My mom said interrupting my thoughts."
"Huh, what?" I said confused
"I said are you meeting friends there?" She asked
"Oh, no just me." I said looking out the window
"Why aren't you going with anybody?" She asked
" I was supposed to go with somebody but they cancelled last minute." I said
"Oh well I'm sorry, well here we are be safe call me when you're finish." She said
" I will," I said closing the car door

I ended up watching The conjuring 2. I usually don't watch scary movies by myself but, ahh well.

I sat at the top row in the middle with my slurpee and watched the movie. I looked down in front of me and saw a couple. The guy kind of looked like Caleb. He turned to the girl and kissed her cheek and pulled her closer to him. I started looking closer but shook my thoughts away. That couldn't be him, plus we're in the dark I'm probably thinking too much. I continued to watch the movie and cover my eyes when it got too scary. Soon it was over.

I walked towards the front pulling out my phone when I stopped in my tracks. There he was. Caleb with another girl he lifted her chin and kissed her, my hands started shaking I was full of anger and sadness. So that was him in the theatre. I walked up to him, holding back my tears.

"Something came up, huh?" I said crossing my arms
"Sophia, what are you doing here?" He said holding his head down
"Look at me when I'm talking to you! What the fuck is this, how long has this been happening?!" I yelled
"We've been dating for a month now, I'm Aubree by the way." She smiled reaching her hand out

I smacked that shit out my face

"So you cheated on me this whole relationship seriously?!?!?! Why did you even ask me to be your girlfriend when you already had one? I asked holding back my tears

"Just let me explain." He pleaded
"Say what you gotta say then." I said
"Aubree and I were talking when I met you, when we started talking more I started falling for you, Aubree isn't my girl... I-" He said as I cut him off

"This makes no sense, you're lying, you lied to me this whole relationship and you expect me to believe you now? You must be on drugs if you think that. Fuck you and stay the fuck away from me. " I said walking off

"Sophia." He called after me
"Don't chase her, she's out the way now. Now you can focus more on us." Aubree said grabbing onto him
"Get off of me." Caleb says as he walks off

I called my mom and told her to come get me. I was trying to hold myself together I didn't want my mom to see me hurt. I got into the car as she pulled up and avoided eye contact with her.

"How was the movie?" She asked
"Great." I said trying to sound enthusiastic
"You sure you sound-"
"It was just scary that's all, I'm a little shooken up." I said cutting her off
"Oh well okay then." She said focusing back on the road

The rest of the car ride was quiet. When we got home I ran up the stairs to the room and closed the door. I laid on my bed threw my phone on the ground  I started crying uncontrollably, I was so hurt , I really thought he loved me.

 I laid on my bed threw my phone on the ground  I started crying uncontrollably, I was so hurt , I really thought he loved me

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⭐️Aubree above and Lucas in MM. Comment and Vote. I'll try to update more often. ⭐️

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