Chapter 38.

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I love him...

But to know he doesn't trust me hurts. The way I found out didn't make it better either. I haven't really talked to Pryce since then. I've been avoiding him by taking different routes at school and when I walk home.

He's called and texted me endlessly, leaving me voicemails. I'm just not ready to talk to him. I don't have the words. Was I supposed to apologize, or expect an apology from him? 

I walked to my locker to find Pryce standing there waiting for me. Hesitantly I walk over to him. As he sees me he meets me halfway. 

"Baby." He said

He looked so worried. I would be too if my boyfriend didn't talk to me for 3 days.

"Hi Pryce." 

"We need to talk."

"Pryce I have to go to class." 

I wasn't ready to talk.

"Abby I'm not for the excuses today, come on."

He grabs my hand and leads us out to the parking lot by his car. He leans on the roof of his car. The sunlight was hitting his skin nicely. His brown eyes were popping out. Despite how fine he looked I had to keep my composure.

"I know we got into an argument the other day and it didn't end well. But why have you been avoiding me?"

He sounded so hurt. I felt so bad. I never wanna hurt him but I needed space.

"Pryce I needed space to think. You told me you didn't trust me and that hurt. I didn't talk to you because I couldn't find the words to say to you." I stress looking at him "What happened between Armani and I was in the past and for you to just tell me that you don't trust me off of that is hard to hear."

"Abby is not that I don't trust you. It's just that I don't trust you with him."

"But Pryce you act like I still talk to that nigga or acknowledge him at all. He apologized and I accepted it. That's all. You think about the hypothetical too much."

Pryce dropped his head down and scratched the back of his neck. He knew I was right. I sighed and grabbed his face.

"Pryce I know I messed up in the past but I would never leave you for somebody else.  You're my rock."

Pryce looks up and smirks at me causing me to smile.

"I mean it doesn't get any better than me." He says slyly licking his lips

"Don't get all cocky now." I say punching him

"Just stating facts." He shrugs

After standing there looking at each other in silence. Pryce wrapped me tight in his arms and kissed my forehead.

"I'm just scared to lose you."

"I'm not going anywhere baby." I smiled staring up at him


He's being distant...

Things are not the same...

I know I told him I want to take things slow, and he seemed fine with it at first. Now it's like we don't even know each other. He walks past me in the halls and barely texts me back. I'm not with that bullshit. 

As track practice ended, I saw him walking by himself. So I caught up to him as we went inside. 

"Ethan, can we talk."

"Wassup?" He asked turning towards me

"I mean you barely talk to me you're growing distant, what's up with that?" I ask crossing my arms

"My bad." He shrugged looking at me

This nigga avoids me for a whole week and all he got to say is my bad?! He must think I'm a joke.

"That's all you got to say? You don't wanna tell me why you acting this way?"

"Well since you want me to be completely honest, I'm not feeling this no more." He said looking away

"Why? You were just all about me now all of a sudden you just not feeling it? That makes no damn sense Ethan." 

"Look you were right we were moving too fast-"

"And that's why I said we need to slow it down, you still not making sense." I shake my head

"I just feel like we rush too much and now there's nothing to look forward to. There's nothing there."

I don't know if I was sad or angry. This nigga really gonna tell me he doesn't wanna do this anymore because we're moving too fast. That's exactly what I just talked to him about

"So you wanna drop all that we got over something I tried to fix in the past. I told you we were moving too fast and you agreed on moving slow. So what's the real issue Ethan because the shit you tellin' me now ain't working."

"I just don't wanna do this anymore ight."  He said softly

I took a step back and sighed. He can't be serious, but I'm never gonna force someone to be with me.

"That's fine. Thank you for wasting my time." I say grabbing my bag heading the opposite direction

"Wait, I still want us to be friends." He says grabbing my arm

"Stop tryna sugarcoat shit, you know damn well you're not gonna talk to me again. Friend my ass." I say walking away

As I got home and laid on my bed, it's like I wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't come. I was more disappointed than hurt. I put time and effort into something that didn't even last long once again. It's getting repetitive and now I'm thinking this relationship shit is just not for me right now. 

I get up  and start to get ready to shower because I wasn't gonna lay here and be sad and shit over this nigga. As I turn on the water my phone begins to ring. I stare at my phone in disbelief.

It was... H.I.M

*Hey Guys!! I'm back here's an update. I reached 1k reads!!!!!! I appreciate y'all man. Next update coming soon. Much Love!*

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