Chapter 2: The Pain

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Katelyn opened the door to her house, still confused on why her stomach hurt. "Must have been something I ate." She groaned quietly. Katelyn walked into the kitchen, meeting a white haired young man half way.

"Your back early." Travis said, handing her a cup of coffee. "Could you not bare to be without me?" He put his hand to his forehead, being dramatic as always.

"Keep telling yourself that." She said with a smile, rolling her eyes. Travis leaned over and kissed her cheek. She set the coffee down, seeming to lose her appetite.

"You ok Katelyn? Your back early and not drinking your coffee, that's unlike you." He felt her forehead, obviously concerned.

Katelyn put her hand over his and sighed, strands of her blue hair fell onto her pale face. "I'm fine, just light stomach pains here and there." She was hit by a wave of pain, and scrunched down to the ground.

"Katelyn! Your not ok! You need a doctor!" Travis pulled out his phone and called the doctor. "Yes, yes. She is having severe stomach pains, and a loss in appetite. No! Of course she's not pregnant!" He looked at Katelyn. "Uh, are you?"

"I'm not pregnant!" She said, the pain slightly easing. She sat down on the floor, her legs tucked up to her chin. She held them close with her arms.

I don't think..

Travis finished his call and sat down with her, mimicking her position on the floor. "You want ice cream?" He asked, sill in her scrunched up position. Katelyn nodded, and let her legs relax. She put her hands out behind her to support her weight.

Travis got up and walked into the kitchen, he came back with a tub of ice cream and a blanket. He sat down on the floor with her again, and spread out the blanket over them. He handed Katelyn a spoon, and she took it gladly. They sat in silence for a while, eating ice cream and enjoying one another's company.

"Let's watch some Netflix." He said as soon as they finished the tub. He picked her up, bridal carry style, and set her on the couch. He turned on Netflix and sat down. "So what do you want to watch?" He asked.

"Um, how about Arrested Development?" Katelyn asked, cuddling up close to him. She curled the blanket around her.

"Sure." Travis said, pulling her close, he turned on the show. After watching for a few minutes, he looked at her. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah." She answered, still deep in thought. After a few more moments, she looked into Travis's emerald eyes. "Travis.." she said quietly.

"Hmm?" He looked at her, steadily meeting her gaze.

"I know I don't tell you this enough, but I love you." She hugged him tight, knowing everything was going to be ok.

"I love you too my little blueberry." He kissed gently her on the lips. Katelyn giggled at her old nickname, she sill loved it. "Your doctor's appointment is tomorrow at 10:00am ok? I want you feeling better."

Katelyn smiled and nodded. Then there was a knock on the door. Travis got up to answer it. He pulled it open, and Lucinda was standing in the doorway.

"I herd about Katelyn! I brought cookies, magic cookies. They'll make her feel better." She walked inside before Travis could get a word in edgewise. Laurence followed in after her, he smiled at Travis.

"I told Lucinda about what happened to Katelyn when Aph and I were talking with her and she freaked out, so we brought magic cookies." He padded Travis on the back. "Congrats by the way, on being engaged."

Travis walked into the living room with Laurence. "Thanks man, how is it living with Lucinda? I know it's Garroth and Kim's house too, but since their on vacation..." Travis winked at Laurence.

Laurence turned red in the face. "NO! We aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend!" He quietly yelled at Travis, Lucinda was just in the other room. "Your just as bad as the girls!"

Katelyn sat with Lucinda, munching on her cookies. "Lucinda! I didn't know you could bake!"

Lucinda smiled. "Of course I can bake Sweetie. Now let me take a look at you." A faint glow came from her bag, and she pulled out a peach colored potion. "Take a sip of this, then I can then sense what the problem is."

Katelyn took a look at the potion. "Are you Sure this is safe Lucinda?" She looked a bit skeptical.

"Positive, now drink up!" She handed the bottle to Katelyn, obviously sure of herself. Katelyn took a sip, and Lucinda jumped a little. "Ah! That can't be right! Try it again." Katelyn took another sip, and Lucinda had the same reaction. "I must have done something wrong, I need to go home and try this again."

Lucinda stood up, mumbling to herself. Katelyn looked at Lucinda. "Well? What did it say?" She asked. Lucinda took the bottle and examined it closely.

"Nothing, but I'm going to try and fix it." She started walking to the door. "Laurence, sweetheart, can you go outside? I need to talk with Travis, alone."

Laurence looked a bit hurt, then nodded. "Don't you try anything." He whispered to Travis as he walked outside.

"Trusting much?" Travis whispered back. "I'm getting married, remember?" He closed the door behind Laurence, and turned to Lucinda. "Bit of a protective boyfriend huh."

Lucinda rolled her eyes. "You have no idea, but that's not why I wanted to talk to you. The potion that I used on Katelyn had some...unexpected results." She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

"What do you mean by unexpected? Is she going to be ok?" Travis kept his voice low, not wanting to worry Katelyn.

Lucinda lowered her voice to a whisper. "It says she's pregnant." She said quickly. "But I could have messed up th-" she tried to explain, but Travis interrupted with a squeal.

"I'm going to be a father!" He almost yelled. Lucinda slapped her hand over his mouth.

"Keep your trap shut, we don't know for sure. I might have messed up the potion. Is she going to the doctor any time soon?" She said in a hushed voice.

Travis nodded and took her hand off of his mouth. "Yeah, tomorrow at 10:00." His hands were shaking with excitement. "Do you really think she's...pregnant?"

Lucinda looked at his shaking hands. "Calm yourself Travis, I don't know." She turned and opened the door, then looked back at Travis. She made a zipping motion over mouth and walked outside.

Travis stood at the doorway, his heart pounding.

Is my Katelyn really pregnant?

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