Chapter 11: He's Here

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"W-Who are you?" Nicole asked. The man looked familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on why.

"Just a humble security guard, curious about the customers." The mai~fwa replied. His eyes drifted towards the notebook. Nicole quickly took notice of this and shut the book. The man furrowed his eyebrows. "Now I ask again, what is in that book." His ears twitched with either curiosity or frustration, Nicole wasn't sure which.

"It's nothing." She said coldly, gripping it in her arms so the man couldn't take it. She was starting to look really uncomfortable.

Lucinda made her way back from the dancing, needing a break. She saw the mai~fwa and studied him. It was the same one she saw outside. He had a strange aura about him, she wasn't quite able to pick it out. "Hey, you herd her. Now back off." She stepped forward.

The man put up his hands. "Alright alright. I was just curious." He meowed, slipping into the crowd. Lucinda swore she herd him whisper the words. "So Katelyn is here.."

Laurence made his way back to their bar stools. "So... who was the creep?" He asked, putting away a rag after cleaning off the counters.

Nicole shrugged. "I'm sure he meant no harm, just a curious employee. Mai~fwa are known to be curious." Although she didn't really believe her own words.

Lucinda narrowed her eyes. "Something about him just creeps me out." She shook her head. "Let's forget about it, the night is too young to worry about weird dudes!" She said.

Laurence nodded, but looked at the crowed with suspicion. "I'll keep an eye out ok? I don't want anyone messing with my girls."

Lucinda and Nicole both laughed. "Oh please, sweetie." Lucinda cooed. "Katelyn would not put up with anyone messing around, not unless they want a broken nose." She chuckled.

Nicole silently slipped the notebook into her bag, hoping nobody would notice.


Katelyn was loving this club. The dancing, the music, all her friends! It was fantastic! She moved along to the beat, jumping up and down as the beat dropped. Kawaii~Chan was doing the same thing as well, but also yelling along to the words of every song.

Katelyn then felt a strange feeling, like she was being watched. She shrugged it off and danced still, but the feeling didn't go away. Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder that made her jump.

"Hey Katelyn!" A familiar voice said.

"Jeffery? What are you doing here!?" Katelyn asked. Jeffery never seemed like much of a club guy.

"Oh I'm just here with some friends. I'm leaving soon, this place isn't really my ideal hangout."

Katelyn chuckled. "That's what I thought." Jeffery and her shared some pleasant small talk over the blaring music.

"Well I better head out. See you later Katelyn!" Jeffery said waving. Katelyn waved back before looking around. She didn't see any of her friends or even their bar stools.

Crap. I must've gotten distracted by Jeffery. Now I don't know where everyone is!

She looked around some more before starting to shove her way through the crowd. It was then she felt another tap on her shoulder. She turned around, relieved, expecting one of the girls or Jeffery. She then felt her heart drop.

Her gaze met a tall, orange haired mai~fwa, with a smirk on his face.

"K-Kai?!" She felt the color drain from her face.

Kai laughed a little. "Of course Katelyn." He purred, leaning in close. "Didn't you miss me?"

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