Chapter 14: Ears and Tails

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Katelyn sighed as she sat in the living room, sipping at her tea. It had been a month since the club incident, and she had stayed away from Lucinda ever since. She rubbed her baby bump, growing fast ever since the second trimester hit.

Travis walked in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. More often than not, she swore Travis stared at her necklace, a glimmer of anger in his eyes.

But why?

"You ready to go?" He asked, pressing his hand gently and lovingly on her belly. Now his eyes twinkled with love as a small smile grew on his face.

"Of course. Time to see our baby." Katelyn said with enthusiasm and grabbed his hands to help her up. Moving around was getting more difficult, and this surprised Katelyn. It was so early, how big was the baby?

She hoisted herself onto her feet, taking a moment to regain balance. She had been reading books to prepare for motherhood and what a expecting mother should do. Her bump was definitely bigger than the book described.

Travis grabbed her tea and handed to Katelyn, even bending over was a struggle. She quickly took the last few gulps before putting on her coat and heading outside.

The warm air hit Katelyn hard as she took a few steps out onto their sidewalk. The summer heat was increasing becoming more uncomfortable, and Katelyn didn't want to swim considering the baby bump. Despite the pregnancy excuse, she still hated feeling heavy, being a usually quite athletic person.

She made her way to the car and got in. The heat that had built up inside the car felt like an oven, but she acted as if it was fine. Travis on the other hand automatically broke into a sweat. "How can you stand this?" He asked, scrambling into the car and turning it on as quickly as possible.

Katelyn simply gave a smile as she looked at her partner. "I'm not weak." She said, her tone teasing. The cool AC made her sigh with relief, it felt so good rushing through her icy blue hair.

Travis rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say babe. Let's just get going." With a few revs of the engine, the car backed up out of the driveway. They pulled out into the street, but not without Travis giving one last glance at Katelyn. More specifically, her necklace.


Travis and Katelyn walked hand and hand through the hospital doors. Katelyn felt more at ease here, without the consent prying eyes of strangers staring at her stomach. Here, it was completely normal to have a pregnant women walk in.

Travis felt differently about the hospital. He hated the smell of the disinfected surfaces and the constant rush of doctors in white coats going through the hallways. It brought back bad memories. He shook his head, as if to rid them of such thoughts.

No. I'm here for a happy reason.

He looked over at his beautiful fiancé, her face radiant with happiness at the thought of seeing their baby. Travis felt his muscles relax, they were there together, he wasn't alone anymore.

After a checking in and a while of waiting, a nurse came out of the double doors. "Katelyn?" She said, her black mai~fwa ears twitching around to see if anyone would answer.

Travis looked at Katelyn. "That's us." He said with a smile. They both stood up, Katelyn taking a bit more effort as always. They walked over to the nurse.

With a cheery smile the nurse greeted them. "Right this way Mr. and Mrs. Valkrum." She said, waving them inside. She then looked at her clipboard. "..Er Mr. Valkrum and Ms. Firefist." She quickly corrected herself. "Sorry about that." She purred apologetically.

"It's fine. That mistake won't happen for long anyway." Katelyn said with a genuine smile. She turned the nurse's words over in her mind, making her smile.

Mrs. Valkrum..

They walked down the hallway, Travis gripping Katelyn's hand tightly as if in pain. Katelyn dismissed it as nerves and they walked on. Soon the nurse turned into a nearby room, her short, black ponytail bouncing as she turned around to face the couple. "Here we are! The doctor will be with you shortly."

Katelyn got comfortable on the bed that was set in the center of the small room. Travis smiled and was about to say something before a short, blond mai~fwa walked into the room. "Hello you two!" The doctor said cheerfully, her tufted ears perking up at the sight of Katelyn. "Nice to see you again Katelyn." She said before turning to shake Travis' hand. "And you must be the father. Pleasure to to meet you Mr. Valkrum."

Travis smiled and shook her hand back. "Nice to meet you Dr..." he realized that he didn't know her name.

"Dr. Oki, but you can call me Tory. Now let's get this show on the road!" Tory said energetically.

After a few moments, Katelyn's stomach was covered in a goo that would make it easier to see the baby. It was cold and uncomfortable when the ultrasound rod touched her stomach, but she ignored it. She lay there holding Travis' hand as they watched the screen.

Soon enough, a baby appeared. Small, but recognizable. Both of their faces lit up. Travis' eyes softened. "Oh.. it's beautiful Katelyn." He whispered, tears tempting to come out of his eyes.

Katelyn reached up to grab her necklace, for reasons she didn't know how to explain. Something was telling her to. As she did, the ruby seemed to glow brighter than before, and Katelyn's eyes widened. She looked over at Travis, she couldn't have been the only one to see that. Her fiancé's eyes were glued on the screen, no reaction.

Tory's ears flicked upwards in alarm, and her eyes glazed with sudden concern. "U-uh.." the doctor stuttered, before typing something quickly into the computer.

Travis picked up on her sudden change in attitude. "What?" He asked quickly, fear edging at his usually calm voice.

Tory leaned back in her chair. "How did we not pick up on this before?" She mumbled. "The signs were never there, how is this possible?" She looked at the couple, giving a smile, but her eyes still in a state in confusion. "Congrats you two." She said, sliding the rod over to reveal a second baby.

Katelyn felt her heart skip a beat as the necklace seemed to throb for a moment before returning to normal. "What!" She screamed, while Travis was at a loss for words.

Tory turned the rod more to get a better angle on this new baby. The joy from Travis' face fade, replaced with pale horror. Katelyn's face did the same. Her necklace throbbed again and again, like a heartbeat, but this time, her ring did the same. She couldn't focus on this, only the screen.

On the screen was a fuzzy image of two babies. One being completely normal, and her ring throbbed as she looked at this one. The other made her necklace throb, it had two cat ears, and a tail.

It's a mai~fwa

AHHH! Thank you guys so much for 1,000 reads! I honestly didn't think I was ever going to make it to 100 reads, much less 1,000! When did this happen? In celebration I released the new chapter early, and obviously, it's kinda important. I hope things are beginning to click ;) Thanks again to everyone who helped me make it this far!

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