Chapter 19: Dark Alleys

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Katelyn's legs felt like jelly as she stood up. Laurence held on to her arm to steady her. He turned her around to face him. "Katelyn... I'm so sorry." He pulled her into a tight hug

Katelyn squeezed him back. His arms felt so warm, so comforting. "Laurence.." She whispered, her voice hardly audible. "I-I prayed it wasn't true. I was hoping to Irene herself that it was only a hoax. They saw something wrong on the ultrasound, but I was wrong." She gripped onto his shirt.

"I know, I know. We can fix this Katelyn, I'm here. It will be ok."

Katelyn sighed. "You feel like him Laurence... your warm and caring touch... like Travis.."

Laurence pulled away in an instant. "Katelyn, stop it. Your delusional." He gripped onto her shoulders tightly. His face held a serious gaze. "We have till midnight to meet Kai. We should get going."

Katelyn slipped her hand into her pocket, fumbling with the brass knuckles that were inside. After a moment, she slipped them on her fingers. She remained silent.

Laurence opened the door. "Come on, we got what we came for."

Katelyn met his eyes with a blank stare, as in contemplating something. He saw how her hand was in her pocket, fumbling with the brass knuckles.

"Woe, woe, woe. Hold on Katelyn." The color drained from Laurence's face. He held up his hands in an act of surrender. "What is going on with you? Snap out of it and let's get going."

Katelyn walked outside without saying a word. She got into the car and started the engine before looking back at Laurence. She motioned for him to get in.

This time he was even more hesitant than before, but obeyed without question. He clambered inside and gripped the bat tightly.

Katelyn backed out and made her way down the road. It was getting late, and darkness had already set over the street. Katelyn passed the designated street that she was going to meet Kai at.

"What are you doing? The street is back there." Laurence looked back as they passed the street.

"I know." Katelyn said, gripping the wheel. "I'm dropping you off at The Black Cat." She said simply.

Laurence met her with a look of shock. "You're going to get yourself killed! I'm coming with. I'm not going to my job when something this important is at stake."

Katelyn sighed. "I never said you weren't coming. At midnight you'll walk down the street to see if I need backup. Have 911 on speed dial. I'm starting out alone." She pulled into a parking spot at the club. "This is my battle alone. I have to at least start out like a real warrior." She got out of the car and shut the door, wincing as she felt one of the babies kick.

Laurence rushed to her side. "Are you sure?" He knew there was no use arguing, but he might as well question it.

Katelyn straightened up. "I'll be ok. Just go." She waved her hand, dismissing him.

Laurence gave her one last hug. "Good luck. Don't do anything stupid." He offered her one last smile before heading off to his work, looking back only once before heading inside.

Katelyn looked down the road. It would take her a while to reach the street, maybe she could reach Kai early. She started off down the road, taking a good 10 minutes to reach the certain street in question.

She stopped at the street sign. Looking up at the green plated sign, her stomach twisting into knots. It was time.

She made her way down the street. Her hands were stuffed into her pockets, the brass knuckles over her fingers. She looked down the alleys. Her heart beating faster and faster as she continued down the street.

It was dark now, street lights illuminating the dark street. Shadows cast eerie figures across the road, only being cut through by the dim street lights and Katelyn's shadow passing through them.

She reached the last ally on the street. Taking a deep breath, she looked inside. A dark figure stood in the shadows. He was leaning against the building, his tail flicking from side to side.

"Punctual as always Katelyn, even a bit early." The figure slithered forward, his voice charming but venomous as a snake. After a moment, he stepped into the light.

His orange hair was vibrant against the dreary background. Fiery and powerful. His ears were at high alert, twisting this way and that, yet his face looked completely relaxed. He gazed down at Katelyn's necklace, perhaps even a bit lower. "You kept it." He purred. "A wonderful gift wasn't it? I simply adore it." He reached out and touched Katelyn's necklace, becoming uncomfortably close.

Katelyn snatched it out of his hands. "Why am I here Kai. What have you done?"

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