Chapter 18: Gems

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Katelyn opened the notebook, expecting the worst. On the first page was a table of contents, messily scribbled in pencil. There was one line that was written in red pen, and her eyes were drawn to it.

The letters were written in bold red ink, and hastily at that. Katelyn could feel Laurence's breath as he leaned over her shoulder, just as intrigued as she was. The lines read;

Sapphire Gold Ring; Myths and Truths

Katelyn looked over at her sapphire ring, glimmering in the light. She looked over at Laurence, for once, her eyes full of worry instead of confidence in this decision.

Laurence put a hand on her shoulder, an reminder that he was there.

Katelyn turned back to the book, and flipped to the page. Unlike the other pages, these had no doodles on them. It seemed as if Nicole was completely serious when she wrote these words.

Only one Saphir or bague has ever been made and it was in 1980. It was given to an anonymous family that ordered it to be made with an extra ingredient. No one knows what it is, but legend has it that it was laced with a powerful Prophesy. "All who are given this ring will bear two children of unsp-" the writing cuts off there, as the pen trails off the page, as if the person writing was drug away.
All we know is that it must be found and studied, before it can be given to an unknowing bride or groom.

Katelyn felt her heart drop. Instead of tears forming, a tight snarl found its way onto her face, yet her lip was quivering. A sign that behind her anger, she hid sorrow.

The penmanship on this paragraph was slightly faded, as if it had been written a while ago.  Now the writing picked up again, brighter and more vibrant. It was recently written.

Now for a long time, the Sapphire Gold Ring hasn't been seen as more of a legend to most, but not me. I have found someone who I believe owns it, Katelyn Firefist. It was given to her by a man named Travis Valkrum.

I have also found the remaining bit of the prophecy. "All who are given this ring will bear two children of unspeakable power, if united with the 'Collier de Rubis de Feu."- also known as the Ruby Fire Necklace- "This will create two children, one with the blood of the ring holder, and the other with the blood of the necklace holder."This necklace disappeared in 1985, nothing else is known about it, other than it was stolen.

Katelyn felt her heart beating out of her chest. She took Laurence's hand, squeezing it tightly as if to help hold back the flood of tears that hid under her eyes. She wanted to read on, but for now, she couldn't.

The book dropped to the ground, and Katelyn placed a hand over her mouth. She gasped, closing her eyes tightly.

She loved Travis more than anyone, now what had he done to her? She felt like a  helpless victim of a horrid crime no one would believe. Disgust rippled through her body as she crumbled to the ground, still attempting to hold back sobs.

She felt violated, a carrier for Kai's plan, whatever that may be. For all she knew, Travis could be a part of it, but how could he? He looked at the necklace with such fury, but for what reason? Her head swam with questions that couldn't be answered, or were in a book that made her feel like her life was a lie.

Laurence bent down and wrapped his arm around the poor woman. His hands were soft and gentle, just like Travis'. Katelyn broke down, her screams making even Nicole jump from her place in the backyard.

Fear for what was going to happen overwhelmed Katelyn. She needed to find Kai, find Travis, find anyone that could help her fix this. But right now, despite the circumstances, she felt safe wrapped in Laurence's arms. Only one thought crossed her mind.

'Now she was gifted with two children, but not from love, or even a prophecy,

From a horrible curse.'

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