Chapter 8: Katelyn The Author

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*One month later*

Katelyn's alarm went off, beeping every few seconds. Travis groaned and rolled over, reluctant to get up as always. Katelyn reached over and turned off the alarm. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and got up.

She hadn't passed the first trimester, but still felt bloated and large. She groaned as morning sickness kicked in and she popped an Advil in her mouth before heading downstairs. She made a quick breakfast and set it out on the table. Six pancakes, three for herself, three for Travis. Katelyn quickly gobbled them down before writing a note for Travis, as she did every morning on work days, and leaving it near his pancakes. She slipped on her rain coat and grabbed her keys before walking out the door.

Katelyn sighed as the rain fell on Lovers Lane. She was never a huge fan of the cold rain, being more of a summer girl. She hopped in her car and drove down to the library.

Emmilyn greeted her from behind the desk, her head buried in a book. "Morning Katelyn. I made you some tea." She looked up with a warm smile. "Congratulations by the way, I just heard."

Katelyn smiled. "Thanks Emmi." She said as she walked over to her desk in the quiet corner of the library. It wasn't exactly "her desk", but it was the one she worked on every day, so most sane people would leave it be.

She sat down, and cracked her knuckles. She opened up her computer and continued to write her novel. She had always loved acting and directing, so she put out all her hard work into being a full time author. Her first book was a flop, but the second was picked up quickly and well liked around the country. She wasn't the most well known authors, but she had her fans.

She sipped her tea as she wrote a battle sene for Opal and Queen Jasmine. She soon became so immersed that she hadn't realized hours had gone by. She stretched, her back hurt from the constant sitting. Her deadline was in two weeks, and she was hardly halfway through.

She rested her head on her palm as she thought. Being an author is definitely harder than I thought... this is only my third book and I'm already putting it off. As she saved her work and closed down the computer, a ginger haired girl came and stood next to her.

"You done girl?" Lucinda asked. "I've been waiting here forever. Let's go." She grabbed Katelyn's hand and pulled her out of the chair. "You've been working too hard with a baby on the way. Time for a girls night."

Katelyn hardly had time to process what was happening. "Wait, what?" She asked as she was pulled out of the library, waving a hasty goodbye to Emmilyn as she went. Katelyn ripped her wrist out of Lucinda's grasp. "What are you talking about?"

Lucinda rolled her eyes. "Do I have to spell it out for you? Girls. Night." She said, waving her hand dramatically. "Come on! Kawaii~chan and Nicole are waiting!"

Katelyn's thoughts sprung to Nicole. "Nicole? Really? I haven't seen her since she left for her trip to Europe! Is she really back?" Katelyn almost squealed with excitement before regaining her control. It had been two years! Her little Nicole was finally back!

"Yes now hurry up! We are headed to the new club!" Lucinda said, almost shoving Katelyn in the car before hopping in on the drivers side.

Katelyn hesitated. "Um what about.." she looked at her stomach.

"For your sake, none of us will be drinking a drop." Lucinda assured Katelyn. "This will be a night full of dancing and catching up." She said happily.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

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