Chapter 5: I'm Here For You

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Katelyn ripped the keys out of Travis' hand, then turned to open the door. Travis stood still, speechless. Katelyn flung open the door and ran inside, not bothering to close it. She ran to the bedroom, locking the door behind her. Her eyes were red and poofy from crying. She leaned against the door, running her fingers through her blue hair. The tears fell once again, she wanted to keep her fear hidden behind anger, and she didn't want to take it out on Travis like she used to many years ago. She slid down to the ground, her arms wrapped around her knees, and her head cradled in her knees.

Taffy was asleep on the bed a few moments ago, but was now beside Katelyn, sensing something was wrong. She rubbed against Katelyn's legs, and licked her hands. Katelyn didn't look up, she simply continued to cry. Katelyn was a quiet cryer, so her sobbing was no more than tears and a few heavy breaths here and there. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.


Travis stood outside for a few moments, not even realizing Dante was still sitting in the driveway. He ran inside, heading straight for the bedroom. He shook the doorknob, with no luck. "Please open the door Katelyn." He pleaded, knocking softly on the door.

Katelyn didn't respond, she continued her silent sobbing, wallowing in her fear and disbelief. Travis soon stopped his efforts to open the door, and sat down in front of it. "Please Katelyn, tell me what happened." He begged, not sure what else to do.

Katelyn wiped tears from her face. "Leave me alone you idiot." She said, her voice cold, yet it cracked half way through. She sniffed and reached out to pet Taffy.

Travis turned to face the door, and put his forehead against it. "Katelyn... I'm so sorry. I was at the park with Dante, Pickles ran into the forest an-"

"Shut up!" Katelyn shouted, her voice shaking as she spoke. "I don't want to hear your lame excuses! I just wanted you to be here for me when I wasn't feeling well. Now things have gotten crazy and I don't know what to do!"

Travis sat in silence, sighing and running his hand through his wet hair. "I messed up Katelyn.. didn't I.." he mumbled, a lump in his throat. He hated being yelled at by Katelyn, it always hurt. He swallowed hard, and a tear fell down his face, he wiped it away and sniffled a little.

Katelyn didn't respond. She was still slumped against the door, her heart pounding faster and faster.

"I'm always here for you Katelyn, don't you ever forget that.." She herd Travis say quietly. After that, Katelyn lost it. Her silent crying turned into loud sobbing for the first time since Travis proposed. She stood up and opened the door. She saw Travis and fell into his arms. She squeezed him tightly, her tears seeping into his mud covered sweatshirt. He squeezed her back, also crying.

They sat on the floor together for a while, embracing with their sadness. After a while, Travis pulled away and looked into Katelyn's eyes. "Please, tell me what happened."

Katelyn rubbed her eyes, and sniffled.

"I-I'm pregnant."


Hey everyone! Sorry for the short chapter, but I really just wanted to focus on this scene. I had fun writing it!

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