Chapter 20: You and I

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Kai loosened his grip of Katelyn's necklace. His face was twisted into an amused grin. Sharp, cat like teeth shown through his lips. "You're a clever girl Katelyn." He lifted her chin with his finger, forcing her to look up at him. "You tell me."

Katelyn shoved his chest, pushing him away. She then slipped her hands back into her pockets to pull out the brass knuckles. "I'm not the one who has explaining to do." Her mouth was almost in a snarl. She had just about enough of Kai antagonizing her. She lifted her necklace up with one hand. "Now tell me exactly what you did to this thing, and what it has done to me."

Kai put up his hands, a submissive move, yet his face shill shown with that cocky grin. "Fine, fine. I guess that is what you came here for." He waved his tail, beckoning her deeper into the ally.

Katelyn walked further in, glancing over her shoulder every so often just to make sure she had a clear way of escaping if things went south.

Kai turned around and put his hands in his pockets. He pointed at the necklace with his tail. "That, is the Fire Ruby Necklace, but I'm assuming you already know that." Katelyn nodded, waiting for him to go on.

"That necklace was my father's. Well... sort of my father's. He was the one who stole it." He gave a little smile. "I don't think he even knew what it was for, but he knew it was beautiful. He gave it to my mother as a wedding gift. Since she didn't have the ring, the prophecy wouldn't take affect. So they had the wonderful Mai~fwa known as me."

Katelyn crossed her arms, clearly showing her brass knuckles. "That doesn't explain anything. Your stalling."

Kai shook his head. "Calm down, Baby. I'm getting there. I thought you might as well want to know how I got it. Anyway, I took it. I learned of the prophecy a long time ago, on my trip to France. I knew I had to give it to you, I love you Katelyn."

Katelyn took a few steps back, bracing herself for what might come next. She winced as the baby kicked, but tried to hide it. Showing weakness was the last thing she needed right now.

Kai picked up on her pain immediately. "You ok? Need to sit down?" He had genuine concern in the tone of his voice. He took a step forward, reaching out his hand to touch her shoulder.

"I'm fine. Keep going." Katelyn persisted. She straightened up again, shrugging his hand off her shoulder.

Kai hesitated before continuing. "Once I dropped by, to see if you even needed the necklace. I found out you were engaged, and had the ring, so there wasn't much time left for me. I had to give you the necklace. That way, you would have my child as well as Travis's. He would have a chance of leaving you, giving me my chance of swooping down to take what is truly mine." He leaned forward, pressing Katelyn against the ally wall.

Katelyn wanted to uppercut him right there, but he might have more information. She pushed him away instead.

"So I gave it to you." He continued, not even fazed by Katelyn shoving him back. "If you didn't wear it, I would hunt down Travis. Take things into my own hands." He gave his cocky grin once more. "Now I assume he hates you, considering you bore a child that is not his own." Kai walked in a circle around her, his tail brushing her bulging baby bump. "How does it feel? Being disowned by the one you love? It hurts doesn't it?"

Katelyn looked as if she was about to cry. She just wanted Travis back.

"Hey!" A voice called from down the ally. It was a man, not even a trace of fear was in his voice.

Katelyn whipped around. "Travis?!" She yelled at the shadow of the man. She could only see his outline in the darkness.

The man stepped into the light of a street lamp.

It was Laurence.

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