Chapter 15: Silence

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Katelyn gripped her necklace tightly. Her heart jumped as she looked at the black and white screen, at her two children. She looked at Travis, desperate and fearful.

The color was drained from her fiancé's face, his hands visibly shaking. He looked at Katelyn, his face white as his pale hair. "K-Katelyn.." He whispered. Tears glistened in his eyes, before dropping down his cheek.

Katelyn's mouth was dry. She had never done anything with any other man, other than Travis. Her mind flickered over to Kai, and she looked down at the necklace he gave her.

Travis placed his had over his mouth. Silently, he stood up, and walked out of the double doors.

Katelyn reached out towards Travis, yet words couldn't reach her lips. Tory simply looked on, her expression blank. She had obviously dealt with this before.

"Unfaithful?" She questioned, half to Katelyn, half to herself. "But how is this possible? It isn't possible! Not scientifically.." she typed a few more things onto her computer.

Katelyn released her grip on the necklace, the ruby seemingly glowing bright. Katelyn started to think that only she could see the glow. "N-No." she whispered. "No I haven't cheated." She looked down at her ring, it was shining just as bright as the necklace. "I-I don't understand.."

Tory leaned back in her chair again, her ears flicking with curiosity. "I don't know what to tell you, hun. You are completely human, Travis is completely human, no trace of mai~fwa. I do know that, considering this is the first we have ever seen this new baby, this shouldn't be possible." She furrowed her brow. "Only solution I would think is witchcraft. Even that is quite farfetched.."

Katelyn grasped the necklace once again. "Can I leave now?" She said, her voice cold, yet almost a whimper.

Tory nodded. "Yeah, and we'll figure out what's happening, don't you worry." The doctor's words were comforting, although even she sounded doubtful.


Travis sped down the hallway, going as fast as he could without looking strange. Tears glistened in his eyes, but he remained strong and wouldn't let them fall down his cheeks. He had to drive Katelyn home, but what would he do after that? He was angry, and sad, and felt like the world was falling apart.

"Dante, I need to see Dante." He choked out, wiping his running nose with his sweatshirt sleeve. A few passer byes gave him strange looks, but he kept walking.

Get to the car, just get to the car.

He told himself. Soon enough, he had gotten to the car, and quickly opened the door. He slid into the drivers seat and broke down. He leaned forward, sobbing, resting his head on his hands that were gripping the wheel tightly. The tears streamed down his cheeks, and made dots on his jeans where they landed. It was as if a little rainstorm was happening right on his very face. "S-she said.." he whispered, but was unable to finish due to his sobs.


Katelyn dashed down the hallway of the hospital. She winced as she slightly tripped, causing her heavy stomach to toss this way and that. The last thing she wanted was a baby right now, especially if it would ruin her relationship with Travis.

As she walked, she tried to rake her brain for what happened. Her mind flipped to Kai, his cunning grin and sickeningly sweet voice that was almost hypnotic. She frowned and gripped her fists together. It had to do with him, she just knew it. She burst out the doors and headed to the car.

"Travis!" She shouted as she ripped open the car door. "I know what this seems like! But it's not true, please hear me out."

Travis looked at her, his eyes red from bawling. He was trying so hard to be firm and angry, but sorrow continuously overwhelmed the anger. "I-I'm going to Dante's for a while." Was all he said. He started the car, and Katelyn's eyes flickered with sadness. He didn't believe her.

"Please, let me explain.."

Travis held his finger to her lips, shushing her. He didn't say a word on the drive to Dante's house, and neither did Katelyn. She knew when he got like this, nothing would change his mind.

When they reached Dante's house, Travis got out, leaving the keys in the car for Katelyn. From inside the house, you could hear Pickles exited barking. Travis didn't look back as he opened the door, and went inside.

Katelyn wanted to bawl right there. What if he never came back to their house? What if they never saw each other again. She slid over to the other driver's seat and gripped the wheel. "No Katelyn, your being childish." She pulled herself together, always being one that can take tough situations, at least until she got to the solitude of her own home. One thing was obvious, and it had to be done to fix this mess.

She had to find Kai.

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