Chapter 10: Deacendants

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Katelyn was whisked away onto the dance floor, Nicole disappearing from view.

As soon as Katelyn faded into the crowed, Nicole reached for her bag and pulled out a small notebook. It was covered in doodles of cats and foxes, and had a title of France Social Studies Notes.

She flipped through the pages quite frantically, her expression a little worried. She finally reached the page she wanted, and read through it, her eyes falling on three specific words.

Saphir or bague

She glanced up, searching for Katelyn in the crowd. She had to get a better look at that ring. She continued reading through her notes.

The saphir or bague or the sapphire gold ring was the thing that intrigued her the most in her studies in France. She couldn't possibly be seeing it with her own eyes. She saw Laurence return to her stool and quickly shut the notebook.

Laurence pulled out a rag and began cleaning the counter. "What's up with you Nicole?" He asked, not looking up from his cleaning.

"Hm? Oh, nothing." She said, slipping the notebook back into her purse. She hoped Laurence hadn't read any of her notes.

"Come on. You expect me to believe that after the scene you and Katelyn caused?" He asked, looking up and raising an eyebrow.

Nicole looked away. "I'm fine... it's just been a while since we have seen each other." Inside she panicked a little Laurence couldn't know what she had been so flustered about.

Laurence leaned on the counter. "I expect that kind of argument from Lucinda and Katelyn, not you." He said. Nicole was getting frustrated with him. She had to figure out a way to make him go away.

An idea popped in her mind, and she mentally cringed. "I-I uh um.." she stuttered. It was either this or a kiss to make him shut up. A kiss was out of the question, and she knew he wouldn't stop questioning her.

"Well?" Laurence asked. "A family problem? A secret fight? A love affair?" He listed off options, getting excited at the thought of the drama.

"Shut up Laurence! I'm on my period!" Her face automatically turned red as she spoke. She slammed her hand on the counter to sell it.

The color drained from Laurence's face. He stood there stunned for a moment. "I'm just gunna go... uh...  over here, now." He quickly picked up the rag and scuttled to some other costumers in the bar. He still looked white as a ghost. 

Nicole took a deep breath. That was the most horribly embarrassing thing she has done in a while now. She gathered her bearings and pulled out the notebook again. She flipped back to the page.

Only one Saphir or bague has ever been made and it was in 1980. It was given to an anonymous family that ordered it to be made with an extra ingredient. No one knows what it is, but legend has it that it was laced with a powerful Prophesy. "All who are given this ring will bear two children of unsp-" the writing cuts off there, as the pen trails off the page, as if the person writing was drug away.
All we know is that it must be found and studied, before it can be given to an unknowing bride or groom.

Nicole felt panic rise in her throat as he read. It couldn't be the same ring, Travis wouldn't do that right?

She suddenly felt someone hovering over her shoulder. He was dressed in a security guard uniform. His mai~fwa tail flicked from side to side, showing obvious interest. His orange hair vibrant in the disco like lights. His voice made a shiver go down Nicole's spine as he asked.

"What do we have here?"

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