Chapter 21: Too Late

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Laurence's silhouette was clear in the light of the street lamps. He held up a baseball bat and took a few steps forward. "Get your hands off of her." He growled, obviously trying to look as intimidating as possible.

It seemed to work for the time being. Kai stepped away from Katelyn. "I'll leave you guys here. I've said what I wanted to, no need to stick around." His voice was calm, unfazed. He twitched his tail with interest, a smirk on his face as always.

Laurence took a few more steps closer. "Katelyn." He said quickly, and without taking his eyes off of Kai. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you."

Kai then let out a menacing snicker. "What kind of monster do you think I am? Hurting a pregnant woman? Especially one that is carrying my own child, why I would never-"

He was interrupted by the ringing of Katelyn's cellphone, and all fell silent in the alley other than the soft ringtone that buzzed through her pocket. Both of the men looked at Katelyn with confusion as she quickly checked her phone.

"I can't let a single call go unnoticed." She whispered, half to herself. "It might be Travis."

Kai's eyes lit up with a fiery rage, considering his usually calm demeanor, it was horrifying. "You will never speak of him in my presence." He hissed, grabbing her phone and smashing it to pieces on the cement.

Without missing a beat, Katelyn grabbed the necklace and pulled it at tight as it could go, threatening to break the chain that held it around her neck. "One more word out of you and I'll snap this torture device off my neck and smash it on them ground."

Kai froze in his tracks.

"Now, now." Kai whispered, his voice full of fury and concern. "If you do that you will lose Travis's child too. Let's not be too hasty."

Katelyn hesitated for a moment, but kept the necklace stretched out. "For all I know, both could be your child. I'll take my chances."

That statement came as a shock to both Laurence and Kai. "You will risk losing a child that was made through you and Travis? I thought you wanted a baby."

Katelyn's eyes shone with rage as she eyed Laurence. "Is it really worth the risk if it isn't his? What if it's just another one Kai's horrid children."

Laurence's eyes softened. "Katelyn, you're delusional. Let's get you home, we've herd what we needed to. Kai has told us what we wanted."

Katelyn nodded, lowering her hands for a moment before quickly lifting them up and socking Kai in the face. He stumbled backwards, holding up his hand to his now bleeding nose. "That's for stalking me." She then gave him a swift kick to the stomach, making him writhe in pain and crumple to the ground. "That's for giving me the necklace." Lastly, she took the necklace in her hand, the Ruby shining bright as ever. She closed her eyes, and ripped it off her neck. The thin chain snapped easily, and the red glow of the necklace faded instantly. "And that's for ruining the relationship between me and Travis. I hope you are satisfied you piece of trash."

Laurence stood, bat still in hand, stunned. Kai lay on the ground, and coughed up a little bit of blood before meeting Katelyn's gaze with his fiery orange eyes. "Too late." He mumbled, his cold grin making a shiver run down Katelyn's spine. He began to laugh, his menacing voice growing ever louder and echoing down the alley. "Too late! TOO LATE!" He cackled.

Katelyn didn't hesitate, she turned tail and ran. It was awkward with her baby bump, but it was as fast as she could go. Laurence followed suit, fear and disbelief struck into his now pale face.

The laughter echoed in Katelyn's ears as she ran, and it's haunting sound struck fear into her heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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