Aftermath (A PJO/Avengers Crossover)

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[A/N] Hello! Welcome to Aftermath! Your friendly neighborhood Feels-Crusher! ;D Just some real quick friendly advice:

WARNING: I am not responsible for any harm come from reading this, damage to computer, phone, ect. Reader safety is advised. May contain: violance, drama, continious ripping out of readers heart, soul, and all emotion, then forcefully shoving it back into your body. Many characters where harmed in the making of this story, maiming, limb cutting off, and stabbing through the chest. Multiple times. I highly recomend it to people whom of which enjoy those types of things. But, if you are A.) Very emotional B.) Hate favorite characters dying or C.) Have not read the Percy Jackson books or have not seen any Avengers films, then this may not be for you. or if you have a sensitive stomach. But hey, whats a little risk now and then? Throw caution and all sanity out the window and read this. But trust me. You will not be the same afterwards. Because this is NOT like any other PJO/Avengers fanfic you have, or will, ever read.

*DISCLAIMER!! THIS GOES FOR THE WHOLE BOOK!:* I do not own Percy or anyone else for that matter, Rick Riordan does, I do not own any of the avengers either, all rights for them go to Marvel :D anyway.... I think that's it for the disclaimer........

*SIDE NOTE*: this was writing BEFORE The Blood of Olympus came out, but the time is after the defeat of Gaea, so in this its still very different from how it actually ended, sorry to those who read it!! When I go back to edit things, I'll be able to change some major stuff! But for now, it's all different. And yes it is also written BEFORE Age of Ultron. When I edit a lot is gonna have to change, but I will... Eventually.

*ALLLSSOOO* This is not editted! Sorry! Please don't correct any spelling mistakes, I don't have a ton of time so I don't even know if I'll ever get around to it, sadly. Still have to finish all my other stories before i can think of going through and fixing this one. But, as you go along, it gets a lot better! Just hang in there!


Now that you have been warned, seen the disclaimer and the fact it isnt currently editted, You may continue on reading. Just keep in mind that i warned you, and yes, i have moved to the middle of no-where in fear of being mercilessly murdered by Fangirls and Fanboys alike seeking my head on their wall for writing this. But, they still loved it.

Enjoy, and prepare the ice cream.

~FMS (FullMetal_SkittleZ)


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