Chapter ~29~

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[A/N] chapter 29.... Seems like just yesterday you where happily scrolling along Percy Jackson fanfics instead of reading this and dying emotionally, eh? I don't wanna believe its gonna end soon XD but alas, the fates have deemed it so. Hopefully there is at least one or two more chapters left after this... But it is coming to an end... Very, very soon..... Read on, and be prepared.

Chapter ~29~ Percy's POV~ In The Streets of New York~

I had my hands inside my pockets, walking down the bustling streets.

I took a small glance up and saw a slight glint of armor above me. I scanned the roof tops and I could just barely make out the outline of two people on top of a building.

I looked around the street, looking for Annabeth, but I couldn't see her. My mouth turned slightly down at the edges in worry. But I knew she was safe. Well, probably, I hoped.

I sighed and stopped walking. Out plan probably wasn't going to work. I hadn't seen any signs of Calypso or Loki, and we had been out here for hours. Ok, maybe just two hours, but I was getting inpatient and my feet were getting sore. I leaned against the side of a building and looked around. Maybe we should just go back to the Tower and rethink this.

I was just about to start making my way back to Stark Towers, when I caught a slight whiff of cinnamon. I tensed, pulling Riptide out of my pocket out of instinct, leaving it in pen form for the moment, just in case. The smell grew stronger, and I put my guard up, prepared to strike at any moment.

"Hello, Percy.." a soft and comforting voice whispered into my ear, as if spoken by an angel. I wanted to curl up and listen to that voice, just let everything go and zone out of the world.

I shook my head. No. This was Calypso. She was trying to do something to me.

"Miss me?" the voice questioned. I blinked several times. Yes, I was sure it was Calypso now. I started to feel drowsy.

I stifled a yawn. Why was I so tired all of a sudden? I shook my head once more, trying to clear the sudden fatigue away. I blinked drowsily, and as soon as I opened my eyes, the previously busy streets were empty. No one in sight.

Except for one person.

Standing in the middle of the road, a girl in a white dress stood, her long hazel hair running down her back in loose strands. It was Calypso.

"Calypso." I almost growled, the anger inside bubbling up once more. I let it consume me.

"Hello Percy. " She smiled kindly. I took a step towards her, yet my motions felt slowed and sluggish, as if i were walking through jello.

"Now now Percy," she scolded, "it took a considerable amount of power to conjure up this trick, so I would deeply appreciate it if you would just cooperate for a little. "

"And why should I listen to you?" I snapped.

"Because," she reasoned, "I can control you. "

I was just about to say something along the lines of, 'Sure, and I'm batman!', when suddenly I stopped moving entirely, my whole body stiff. My mouth decided it did not want to open either, so of course I couldn't make any sassy comments.

"See? So, as I was saying," she continues casually, "it would be in your best interests to avoid conflict. I don't want to cause any more chaos than necessary. So, I would just love it if you surrendered yourself to me. Then, I will let your friends go mostly unharmed. Well, minus the fact they'd be dead. "

I felt the strange grip that held my jaw shut loosen, allowing me to speak once more. But rage bubbled up inside of me, fueling the fire within.

"No." I scowled. "You're going to have to take me by force. Prepare for the fight of your life."

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