Chapter ~26~

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[A/N] Heya! Sorry for not updating in forever D: my fam is getting ready to move and there's a ton of stuff going on so updates may become slow.. I'll try not to have this long of a wait again though!!! ok, so the Wattpad app has been being sucky lately so it's not letting me access the comments area of any parts. So I can't get to the comments to choose my fave ones D: which sucks. So, SHOUT OUT TO YOU ALL!!!! XD IF NOT FOR ALL YOU GUYS AFTERMATH WOULDN'T BE HERE :D which may or may not be a good thing. Depends. Now, ONTO CHAPTER 26!!!

Chapter ~26~ 3rd Person POV, Stark Towers~

Everyone sat in the living room. Annabeth was deep in thought, she had to think of a way to confront the gods.

Thor ate a blueberry poptart, sitting on a two person couch, that for him was a one person couch. Tony fiddled with something in his hand, it looked to be a controller. Probably the one Thor had sat on the other day and broken. Clint stood in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge, Natasha sat on the sofa, and Steve had gone to the bathroom.

"There's a problem. " Annabeth stated suddenly.

"What?" Tony asked immediately drawing his attention away from the controller.

"None of you are Demigods. I think Thor may be an exception, but other then him none of you can come onto Olympus," She frowned. "you all will have to wait for Thor and I. "

"Now that sucks. " Clint pointed out from the kitchen where he had just started warming up a bowl of Macoroni and Cheese. "I really wanted to see Olympus. "

"But first," Annabeth continued. "how will we get the gods to help us? Their not exactly allowed to interfere with our fates or destinies or whatever... But Poseidon might...." she trailed off.

Annabeth frowned again, thinking through all the possible ways their visit to olympus may turn out. Not to many of which ended well. It wasn't going to be easy. Anyone could tell that much.

But this could possibly be the only chance of finding Percy.

And they where all willing to risk it.


I figured the first place I should look is the warehouse.

It was after all the first place I had found Calypso. May as well look here. I pulled the heavy door open and slipped inside once I had made enough room. It was still dark, and smelled damp and moldy. No change here.

I took a few steps in and looked around at the numerous wooden crates. I saw dried blood on the ground from previous 'visits'. I didn't see any clue as to where they could be.

They probably would be curious as to why I've not returned yet... And that means that their probably looking for me... Perfect. They'd just bring themselves to me. I smirked. I guess it is going well so far.

I just needed to go somewhere out in the open.. Somewhere they'd know where I'd be. Maybe somewhere they had an inside informant.

Nick Fury.

Sure not THE best idea I guess, but what else could I do? Wave a flag around shouting 'Over here!'. Well, yes I could actually, but I'd look like an idiot. I groaned. I had no idea where S.H.E.I.L.D was located.

It was like finding once specific penny in a bucket of pennies. Not easy nor fun. Plus, why would you want one specific penny? Couldn't you just take a random one? Whats so important about that one penny- ok. Getting off track here. Dam ADHD.

I sat down on a crate. If I where a top secret agency of spies where would I be? Well, somewhere secret... And.... Even more secret. I put my head in my hands and signed closing my eyes in concentration. Images of deferent memory's flashing across my mind, Leo's death, Annabeth going missing, Tartarus and watching the light leave Jason's eyes and Piper sobbing.

I flinched. I could have stopped all of that from happening. Yet here I am, and Jason and Leo are not. Piper will never forgive me. Heck, Camp won't ever forgive me. Zeus probably is looking for every chance he has to kill me also. And trust me, having the king of the gods wanting to kill you is not something you want. Ever.

I would never be able to return to camp... The one place a truly felt at home... I was a murderer... A monster...

"Oh, look at that," I heard an all to familiar female voice, the once sweet scent or cinnamon filling my nostrils. "the great Percy Jackson, hero of Olympus, defeater of Kronos and Gaea so easily reduced to what you are now." she scoffed.

I snapped my attention to the voice. Calypso. Looks like I didn't need to hand myself into S.H.E.I.L.D after all. Calypso did me the favor of finding me. I stood up and glared at her. That once sweet and kind girl on the island gone, a bitter and cruel villain replaced her.

"You are going to pay..." I said quietly, though my voice full of venom and anger. I didn't like the sound of it. She laughed a short humorous laugh.

"Sure I am, but I feel that in the end, I shall have the last laugh. There's more going on here then you think, Percy, and just wait. Loki is starting up phase three of our plan, death is in the air, your days are limited. " she spat. I noticed she was right, Loki was not at her side per usual. Something was up. And she said phase three... What did she mean? And also.. She said death is in the air.. That can't be good.

"What do you mean 'phase three'?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at Calypso.

"Oh you'll see! Soon enough Perseus, soon enough. Just sleep with one eye open for now on. " she smiled sweetly. "now, I must be going. It was nice seeing you again! You better get back to your friends, im sure Loki has finished up his part. See you soon!"

Calypso then snapped her fingers and began to dissolve.

"NO!!" I called and dove to try and tackle her to the ground.

But she had already disappeared and I dove face first into the ground. I pushed myself up to my knees and hit the ground in anger. She was right there. Right there.....

I remembered what she had said. What did she mean when she said 'Loki has finished up his part'? What had he done? And she said I should get back to my friends... Wait... Could she have sent Loki to Stark Towers while I had been distracted here? My eyes widened.

My leaving working into her plan perfectly. With me out of the way.... Who knows what happened to the others... I needed to get back. I quickly got to my feet, brushing the dust of my pant legs then ran to the warehouse door.

I slipped out and ran down the streets as fast as I could.

If anything happened, it would be all my fault for leaving.

'Death is in the air' she had said. I prayed to the gods she was wrong.

[A/N] Dam. Cliffhangers are to fun XD but anyways, there's chapter 26! I'll try to update soon, but my schedule is all over the place... So I'm not gonna do the vote/comment goal cause I don't know when I'll have time...

QOTD: "Deadline aren't real to me unless I'm staring one in the face. " ~Percy Jackson, The Lightning Thief (takes ya way back doesn't it? XD)

Until next time!! And while you wait why not-





Peace, Love and Percy!!


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