Chapter ~5~

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[A/N] :D YAY LOKI XD lol I shouldn't be cheering for a villain...... Especially because he's gonna- NO I shall not spoil it for you guys..... I refuse to spoil it....... Well you are gonna find out in a second ._. Oh well... READ ON MY PADAWAN!!!!!!!

Chapter ~5~ 3rd Person POV~

Immediately, Bruce unstrapped Percy, them gave him a look as if to say 'We'll finish this later' and then they went to 'suit up'.

"Uh.. Who's 'Loki'?" Percy asked curiously, following them out of the lab.

"Norse god of mischief. " Clint said simply. 'Norse god?' Percy thought. He didn't know there where any Norse gods, he thought there where only Greek and Roman.

"Well that sure clears things up.." Percy mumbled under his breath.

"come with me Percy. " Natasha/Black widow said to Percy. He nodded, and followed her while Steve and Clint went to get there suits on. Banner decided he would only come in unless it was an emergency, because he didn't want to do more damage then needed to take down Loki.

Percy and Natasha went down the elevator and out to the street, to see right in the middle of the street stood Loki holding his staff, talking to Iron Man and a big buff blonde guy holding a giant hammer.

Natasha and Percy slowly approached Loki, Natasha had a hand on her pistols, and Percy was fiddling with Riptide in his pocket.

"Ah!" Loki said once they were close enough. "Persues Jackson! I've been waiting for you!" Percy was a little weirded out that this god of mischief knew his name, but tried to hide the surprise.

"First off, It's Percy, NOT Persues, Second, who the Ha-Heck are you?" Percy said. He had nearly slipped up and said 'Hades'. That wouldn't have been good...

"Ha-Heck?" He herd Natasha mutter questioningly. Percy knew there was going to be a lot of explaining to do later.

"I am Loki, god of Mischief. Now, I am here to retrieve you. " Loki said as if it was simple. Percy didn't want to go with this crazy psycho anywhere.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid im not coming with you. " Percy said sternly.

"Well," Loki sighed. "I'm afraid if I can't have you, no one can. "

Then all Hades broke loose.

Natasha said a vary unflattering words about Loki as he fired a bolt of energy from his staff, that hit the ground and exploded right in front of Natasha and Percy, throwing them back several feet. Natasha landed on her feet with ease, she looked over to Percy not expecting him to have landed feet first, yet saw him standing on his feet suddenly holding a golden-ish looking sword and charging Loki.

Natasha took out her guns and began firing at Loki, she also saw lazers being fired by Tony. Both Percy and Thor where charging Loki.

Loki ducked under the lazer, the bullets narrowly missing him. But as soon as he had dodged the lazers and bullets, both Thor and Percy where there. Percy slashed at Loki with his sword, Loki barely deflected the blade with his staff, but then Thors hammer came down in a swift swipe, that would have hit Loki right in the head, if not for Loki ducking underneath the blow.

Loki knew he was losing. He needed to complete his mission. Which was either to bring the boy with him, or kill him. Currently, plan B seemed like the better idea. While still ducked down, he took his staff and swiftly stabbed it into Percy stomach, immediately drawing blood. Loki smiled, at least he would be able to kill the boy.

Percy stumbled back, he looked at his stomach. He saw a big blood stain on his shirt, his first thought was 'and I really liked this shirt to...'. Percy saw Thor bring his hammer down hitting Loki in the head, Loki immediately fell unconscious. Percy held his stomach, feeling the burning pain. He had been through worse though. Percy fell to his knees, clutching his sword and stomach.

Percy saw Thor and Natasha put Loki in cuffs. Then a man in a star spangled outfit and Iron Man running towards him. Everything started to get all blurry, and unfocused.

Percy then fell forwards. His world becoming dark.


Bruce was working on some things at his desk, every once and a while looking over at Percy, who remained unconscious.

Bruce heard the door open and looked up to see who had just came in. It was Steve.

"What do you think all those scars are from?" he asked Bruce looking at Percy, his eyebrows knit in concern.

"I have no idea..." Bruce trailed off. Of course he had some ideas, but he hoped none of them actually where true. Steve sighed.

"Honestly, I'm worried about the kid. " Steve said, though it seemed like he was just talking to himself.

"I am to Steve, I am to. " Bruce said. He heard Percy groan from his bed, and turn his head to the side. "Looks like he's coming around..." Steve nodded.

Percy opened his eyes, momentarily forgetting where he was. The memories flooded back to him, Annabeth missing, the Avengers, Loki the psycho, and being stabbed. Percy sat up and grimaced. Noticing he wasn't wearing a shirt, and had white gauze wrapped around his stomach, that was tainted a little red in the middle.

Percy saw a small glass of water on the bed next to him and picked it up, draining it in seconds. That's when he realized he wasn't alone in the room. He saw both Bruce and Steve standing there a little awkwardly.

"Uhh.... Morning. " Percy said cheekily smiling. The water made him feel vary refreshed, and just much better.

"Welcome back. " Bruce said getting back to his work.

"Morning. " Steve said. Both Percy and Steve felt a bit awkward. "Well... I've got to go and tell the others your fine. " Steve said then left the room, happy to escape the awkward tension.

So Percy and Bruce where left alone, in the awkward silence. Percy shifted uncomfortably. Bruce was deeply concentrated on what ever he was doing, so Percy didn't want to bother him. Instead he laid back down on the table and closed his eyes.

He began drifting off into sleep, thinking about why would Loki have wanted him?

[A/N] WHOO!!! CHAPTER!!!! YAY!!!! lol I've been really lazy when it comes to updating lately...... I've been needing to update another one of my story for a few days now and haven't gotten to it......

I will gladly dedicate this chapter to @crystalphoenix02249 XD she got me to get to updating :D



uhh... I think that's all....



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