Chapter ~7~

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[A/N] :D HEY GUYS/GIRLS XDDD ok so I am REALLY excited and stuff 'cause this has 700+ reads :D it's so funny 'cause when I first made this i didn't expect to get any reads, but it's doing so good!!! :D and I absolutely LOVE reading all of your comments :D hahaha.... I think I may start ranting.... I better get to the story now XD heheheehe..... I've got something planned for this chapter to >:D

Chapter ~7~ Percy's POV~

As soon as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened I quickly exited.

"Percy-" I heard Steve start, but I ignored him quickly going straight to my room. I needed time to think.

I closed the door behind me and locked it, sinking down to the ground my back to the door. I had to find Annabeth. Who knows what the crazy Psycho has done to her? Without Annabeth I just felt so... Broken. We had survived Tartarus together, without her I would be dead. I needed Annabeth. Where could she be though? For all I knew, she could be... Dead... I pushed those thoughts away. No. She had to be alive. She was strong. She could make it through anything.

I leaned my head back against the door closing my eyes, letting the warm tears roll down my face. I never liked feeling so weak, so useless. But ever sense the war with Gaea... After all those deaths.... I could have saved Leo... But I wasn't strong enough....

"Percy?" I heard a voice say gently, slightly muffled by the door. I didn't know who it was, nor did I care much. I just wanted to be left alone.

"go away..." I said silently, hopefully load enough for them to hear.

"Percy, please just hear me out, you shouldn't listen to Loki. He just lies to tear people you apart. He's done it before, and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Just, dont believe anything he told you, ok?" the voice said from the other side of the door. I didn't know what to say.

"But what about Annabeth?" I said silently, mostly to myself.


All of the Avengers watched as Natasha spoke to Percy. They could only just make out what he was saying. and it surprised all of them of how gently The Black Widow was being. They had never seen this side of her before.

"But what about Annabeth?" Natasha heard Percy whisper silently. Tony and Steve had told everyone of what they had over heard Loki and Percy talking about. No one had any clue as to who Annabeth was.

"What happened to Annabeth, Percy?" Natasha said gently, trying to get Percy to open up.

"I-I can't tell you... I cant...." he whispered faintly.

"Percy, we want to help you, but you need to open up and trust us!"

"I don't know who I can trust anymore....." came his faint reply. Natasha was getting a little frustrated as his stubbornness, but only sighed, trying to think of a way to get him to open up.

Natasha looked at the others, seeing if anyone else had an idea. They all just shrugged. She sighed again.

"We'll be here if you need us.." Natasha said, finally giving up. She stood up and walked over to the rest of the avengers, who where all staring at Percy's door, trying to think of a way to get him to trust them.

Everyone went and sat on the comfortable TV room couches, the same question running through everyone's mind. 'who's Annabeth?'.


A few minutes after the person who was talking to me left, I decided I would Iris Message my mom. I needed to talk to someone. I just couldn't think of anyone else. I went into the bathroom and turned on the sink water, using my powers to make it into most quickly.

"Oh Iris, goddess of rainbows, show me Sally Jackson, in New York. " I said, then the mist shimmered and I saw mom and I's apartment.

But instead of seeing her cooking some blue cookies like I had expected, I saw the apartment torn apart, books scattered around the apartment, shattered glass laying on the floor, and my mom wasn't there.

Who ever had taken Annabeth had gotten my mom and Paul.

I was sure of it.

I swiped through the image, and fell to my knees, tears flowing freely. First Annabeth now my mom. Who ever wanted me, was taking the people closest to me. I needed to go to the apartment. But how would I slip past the Avengers?

I took deep breaths trying to calm myself. I would find them. I needed to find them. I stop up and looked into the mirror. I saw my eyes where red and puffy, and tear stains on my face. I turned the water back on and cupped my hands, filling them with water and splashing my face. After a few times of doing that I turned the water off and looked back into the mirror, seeing my appearance greatly improved. Not to mention I felt less tired, and a bit more refreshed. I took a deep breath, not knowing what to do.

Could I just tell them? what would I tell them if I did?

I stepped out of the bathroom, and plopped down on the bed. I stared up
At the blank ceiling. My mom was gone, Annabeth was gone. I had nothing left. I didn't even know if Annabeth or Mom where alive. They could be dead for all I knew. The only source to get any information was a Psycho, so I decided that that would be a last resort, but then again, I didn't want to tell the Avengers who I truly was either, and I was never the best at lying. So my two choices where, Trust and insane Psycho, or tell Shield about us Demigods so they can put us under high security and watch our every move.

I didn't like the sound of either one.

Well, the third choice was to just go alone and try and find answers, but I had absolutely no idea where I would start looking. Who would want to hurt me by taking away the people closest to me? Well, there where to many on the list, so that did absolutely nothing to help me narrow it down. I could only think if would be someone (or something) vary smart and strong. I was getting no where.

It seemed hopeless. I needed to tell them. I would have to anyway. But what about this Fury dude? I couldn't exactly trust him yet. I mean, all the other Avengers seemed quit trustworthy, even the assassins. But I still had my doubts about Nick Fury. I could make them swear not to tell Fury. Perfect. Then maybe they'd help. But I'd have to prove I was a Demigod... Well, I could always control water for proof. It would be easy enough. I think....

So I made up my mind as I went to the bedroom door and walked out into the hallway, heading towards the living room.

I was going to tell them who I really was.

[A/N] :D YAY!!!!!! XD merp... I did quit a bit of POV changing in this chapter XD hope it was ok with you guys lol. Ehehehehe..... Any ideas on who the main bad guy is? (I don't know either, so im open to suggestions XD) hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!



BAI GUYS!!!!!!


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