Chapter ~13~

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[A/N] geez!! We reached the goal REALLY fast!! o-o lol. Welp, here's a chapter as promised!!!

Chapter ~13~ 3rd Person POV~

Bruce worked tirelessly in the lab. Yet, he seemed to be at a dead end.

No poison described what Percy's symptoms where exactly. There where some close ones, but none that fit it perfectly. And giving him the wrong antidote could prove fatal.... So that concluded with Bruce working around the clock in the lab. Without any breaks even. He would occasionally have a Five Hour Energy or a Red Bull, but that was pretty much it.

He would give occasional glances over at Percy to see him tossing and turning in his bed. In one of the times he was awake he had told Bruce about the sometimes vary painful stomach pains. Which did indeed seem unusual. Percy had also shared his theory about being poisoned while unconscious, which Bruce found to be most likely the only logical way they would have been able to poison him.

But who and why would they poison Percy? That was the question everyone wanted to know the answer to. But alas, no one had any clue as to who or why such a person would do this. Bruce fumbled with a needle but dropped it onto the floor, sighing in frustration.

He ran his hands down his face and tried to calm himself. He took a few deep breaths and counted to ten silently then sighed, and went back to work. The Lab door opened and Natasha stepped in.

"It's Loki. " she said grimly. "He wants to see you. "

"Why? What for?" Bruce questioned.

"He said if all of us Avenger where present, including you, he may give us some information. " Natasha explained.

"Fine.." Bruce sighed, not quit wanting to leave his work. "Let's go. "

And so Bruce follower her into the elevator, leaving a sleeping Percy on the bed. It took the elevator a few seconds, but it finally dinged to a stop and they stepped out, into the place where they held Loki. He was actually supposed to be transported to the Hellicarrier any day now. But some of the member where still a little wary, due to the previous experience with him on the Hellicarrier.

Natasha and Bruce joined to rest of the Avengers around Loki's 'jail cell'. Loki smiled mischievously at them.

"Well well, it's certainly nice to have company. " Loki said, his hand behind his back as he slowly paced the cell.

"Cut to the chase Loki, what did you do to Percy?" Steve said giving Loki a hard and unreadable look.

"Oh, yes that. He is indeed poisoned. With the help of your precious Director Fury. " Loki said casually.

"Wait, Fury?! He's on your side?" Natasha exclaimed.

"No, he's just.. Not himself right now. " Loki smiled.

"What did you do to the Director?" Clint ordered.

"I'm not telling you, stupid mortal. " Loki said. Clint glared at him.

"Brother, you must tell us what you have done. " Thor pleaded to his 'brother'.

"I am not your brother you oaf!! And No. Because how could I have done anything from inside this cage you keep me in?" Loki snapped at Thor.

"Who's working with you then?" Tony pointe out. Loki laughed.

"Someone more powerful then any do you. " He smirked.

"well this was a waste of time..." Bruce mumbled as he made his way out.

"your precious little Friend will die!! Just wait and see!!" Loki called after Bruce who ignored him. It didn't take long for all the rest of the Avengers to leave.

Everyone wandered what Loki ment when he said Fury 'wasn't himself right now'. What did he mean? What did he do to the Director? One of the
most powerful men on earth?

Bruce went back up to his lab while all the others returned to the living floor. Everyone sat sprawled across the couches pondering Loki's works, when the elevator dinged. They figured it was Bruce coming up when the heard an entirely different voice.

"Where Perseus Jackson?" they heard the stern voice of Nick Fury, and along with him a least a dozen armed men. Why Jarvis hadn't had warned them, no one knew.


I awoke with a start and warily looked around the room.

I saw Bruce casually working at his work table as usual, so I relaxed and laid back down. I didn't know I awoke so suddenly. I actually wasn't having a dream, which I was enjoying not having one. I frowned and wished I hadn't randomly awoken so suddenly.

I heard the elevator doors opened and figures it was Natasha or someone coming in to check up on me. But something didn't feel right.

"Perseus Jackson!!" said a loud, booming voice I found all to familiar. I sat bolt up right quickly, but then regretted it because I felt a strong rush of nausea was over me. I put my arms behind me and supported my weigh. I couldnt look weak in front of him. I also saw at least fifteen armed guards with him. Great, just great.

"Fury. " I grunted. I really did wish to never see his smug face again anytime soon. If you can't tell, I REALLY dont like the guy.

"Your coming with me. " He stated almost matter-of-factly.

"Nah, I'll pass on that one. " I said not bothering to look up at him. My stomach churned and I felt another strong pain as I tried to swallow down the bile that was rising.

"Director," Bruce cut in, saving my butt. For now. "He really isn't well enough to be moved. "

And as of on cue, I leaned over the side of the bed, grabbing a bucket Bruce left there for emergencies, and emptied the few things in my stomach, and was then sent right into a violent coughing fit, that made me feel like I was going to cough my lungs out.

"Fine. " Fury grunted angrily. "But as soon as he's better we're taking him back. "

I could practically feel his glare as he left the room. Ugh I hate that guy. I took some shaky breaths and put a hand on my chest, slowing my breathing and trying to steady my heart rate. Geez, for a second there I thought I was going back. Thank you Bruce!

I wishes I would get better soon, but at the same time didn't, due to the fact Fury was after me. Especially now that he knew about my powers and everything.

Well, for now I was alright. Well, other then of course being poisoned and possibly dieing, and Annabeth, Mom and Paul taken by some unknown enemy.

Other then all that, I guess for now I was fine.

Hah, if only.

[A/N] geez!!! Within like a day of updating I reached the goal ._.

Woah. You are all awesome. XD but I must lay down another rule!! I won't count your comment if you do multiple ones just saying 'comment' or 'another comment'. Ok? Ok. ^.^

QOTD: "there were a lot of answers I could've given to that, like, 'I knew that' to 'LAIR!' to 'Oh ya and I'm Zeus. ' "~The Battle of the Labyrinth

So, how 'bout 20 votes and 10 comments for an update :D






~Peace, Love and Skittles, C.S.B (Camp_SkittleZ_Blood)

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