Chapter ~11~

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[A/N] hai there. So I've made Percy a bit.... Depressed ._. And in this chapter, I'm gonna explain some important stuff XD so.... ONTO LE STORY!!!!

Chapter ~11~ Percy's POV~


I sat with my knees pulled up to my chest, tears flowing freely down my face.

I kept remembering my greatest mistakes- my greatest failures. And with eatch memory, more tears fell. But the worst memory, the worst mistake, was when we had been defeating Gaea, and I had failed to protect them.


I stood heavily panting, a mixture of blood and sweat covering my body as I hacked down monster after monster. The rain poured down heavily, allowing me to use my powers and give us a smaller chance of winning.

I cut down an earthborn easily, and scanned my eyes over the battlefield for my friends. Annabeth was fighting with her sword, fending off a hellhound, and Jason flew through the air, sending lighting bolts at monsters everywhere,Piper charm spoke monsters to fight eatchother and would stab them with her dagger, Frank was transformed into a Dragon and was burning the monsters to ash, while Hazel was using the power of the mist, and summoning gems from the ground and impaling monsters, and Leo was taking on Gaea.

Leo swung his flaming hammer at Gaea, she dodged just in time to miss it.

"Foolish Demigod! You think you have what it takes to beat me?!" she screamed.

I knew Leo needed help. I had to save him. I grasped Riptide tightly and started towards Gaea, where the battle with Leo was raging on. Gaea pulled out a giant dirt type weapon, which was similar to a sword, and swung it at Leo, who tried to block it with his hammer, but the hammer flew out of his grip, landing several feet away. I pushed my feet to go faster and help, when a hellhound tackled me from behind.

I flipped over, and struggled to stab the beast. Once I did golden dust covered me and I clambered to my feet again. Just in time to see Gaea's weapon sticking through Leo's chest.

"Leo!! No!!!" I shouted loudly as I sprinted over to the seen. Gaea laughed as his body fell to the ground. As she laughed I put all my rage and anger into a blow that cut her head clean off. I ignored it and knelt by Leo.

"Hey buddy, you've got to stay awake, ok? Just for a little bit. " I said, feeling warm tears stream down my cheeks.

"Nah.... I-It's my time... A-At least..... I get to see mom......" he smiled up at me, then started violently coughing up blood.

"no no no!! Leo!! Stay with us!! Y-You can't die!! You can't!!" I cried, my shoulders shaking. Leo looked straight into my eyes, his eyes full of so many different emotions it was hard to tell what exactly he was feeling.

"I-I'm scared.... Pe-Percy......" he said, tightly gripping my arm, tears of his own raining down his face.

"It's ok.... It will all be ok...." I told Leo. He gave me a weak smile, and them his grip on my arm loosened and his eyes closed for the last time.

Leo was dead.


Thinking of Leo's death made me want to cry even more. I couldn't handle all of this. There was to much. I just couldn't.

I heard some muffled noises outside of the door, but ignored them as I cried. I then heard the door burst open and multiple sets of feet began walking in. I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder, and I looked up with red puffy eyes to see Natasha standing there looking at me sympathetically.

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