Chapter ~2~

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[A/N] :D hai!!!! So I hope this story is off to a good start... I dunno lol. Only like 12 reads though .-. Oh well. It's fun to write anyways XD I shall attempt to do 3rd person, but I usually only do 1st person so..... I may switch to someone's POV sometime in this chapter.... I dunno lol. No one is probably reading this A/N so I better cut to the Chase. (pun lol :3)

Chapter ~2~ 3rd Person POV~


Director Fury stood at the head of the table overlooking his team.

Currently, the only missing members where Thor,Bruce and Stark. Thor was on his own world taking care of certain issues so he had an excuse not to be there.And Bruce was working in the lab. The door then burst open and the billionaire walked in wearing sunglasses.

"Sorry I'm late. Important business to attend to. " Tony said taking a seat and taking his sunglasses off.

"I gathered you all here for a VARY important mission. " Fury said holding up a folder with the words stamped 'top secret' in big red letters.

Fury handed the folder to the person closest to him, Agent Romanoff. Natasha opened the file, her eyes widened in surprise. Fury began telling them about there mission while they passed the folder around.

"We must apprehend this boy. He has moved his way up to top priority. He has been causing trouble sense the age of twelve. " Fury then went on telling about all of the things he had done. (that they knew about, that is)

When it was Steve's turn he flipped through the folder, thoroughly shocked. The boy in the picture looked to still be a teen, he had sea green eyes and black hair, even though young, Steve could tell just by looking at him he must be much more then he appeared.

"So your mission is to apprehend this boy. " Fury finished.

"but he's only a kid!" Stark exclaimed.

"Have you been listening to me Stark? This 'boy' needs to be apprehended!"

Tony looked as if he was about to say something back, but shut his mouth. Steve didn't like it either, but he knew orders where orders. Both Natasha and Clint also kept there mouths shut.

"Good. " Director Fury said. "Now go get me Perseus Jackson. "


All of the avengers, (except Thor of course) where wearing regular clothes walking down the street.

None of them knew where to start looking.

Suddenly, right in front of them out of an alley way, walked a boy who looked exactly like the one they had seen in the file. Natasha looked up into the sky, seeing dark rain clouds everywhere. She hated the rain.

Then it started sprinkling. Steve, on the other hand, didn't mind the rain.

They followed the boy, 'Perseus' to a park with a small lake in the middle. There where still a few bystanders, so they couldn't approach him yet. Just in case he lets up a fight. Which he most likely wont, because he appeared to have no weapons on him, but they still wanted to wait until he was alone.

They watched him as he sat by the lake, dipping his feet into the water. They waited around half an hour, before he stood up and began walking again. So, of course, the avengers followed.

This time though, he went into a cemetery. And there where no bystanders her either. The Avengers agreed on waiting a moment to see what he was going to do.

He went up to a grave and knelt down, touching the grave stone and bowing his head. He then raised his head and appeared to be talking. Through the rain, Natasha notices his shoulders start to shake a little. Was he crying? She thought. Though Natasha was an assassin, she felt sympathy for this boy, though it didn't show on her face. One of the many traits she learned, never show emotion.

"We should move in now.." Clint whispered. Natasha nodded.

"Let's move everybody. " Cap said.

So they all began to approach the teen.

At first he did nothing. Then He stood to his full hight and turned around. Tony noticed his eyes where read and tear streaks running down his face.

"could we talk for a sec?" Tony asked casually.

"What do you want?" the boy said, his voice sounded full of emotion.

"Just to talk. " Tony replied.

"About what?" came the boys harsh reply.

"Look, Perseus-" Natasha started but the teen cut her off.

"It's Percy. " Percy corrected her.

"ok. Look, Percy, we just want you to come with us. " Natasha said calmly.

"son, we don't want to fight you. " Steve said slowly.

"Then just leave me alone. " Percy said as the rain got a little harder. Natasha moved her hands to her belt, which held several guns. Clint pulled out his bow, preparing for a fight.

"Hey, uh, I'll be right back guys. " Tony said and jogged off.

"where's he off to?" Steve whispered.

"To get his suit. " Clint replied.

"oh.." Steve turned his attention back to Percy. "We just need to talk about some.. Things. If you could just come with us for a little bit-"

"No. " Percy responded pulling a pen out of his pocket. "Just go away and nobody gets hurt. "

"We don't have to fight. " Steve remained calm, even though a pen was being pointed at him. (sarcasm) Steve stepped a little closer.

"Look, I don't know what you guys want with me, I've got to much going on as is, and I've never asked for all this trouble, but please just go away before somebody gets hurt. Please. " Percy sounded dead serious. His eyes showed absolutely no indication he was lying either. Which worried Clint.

"if your not coming the easy way, then we'll need to use the hard way!" a voice called from above. Everyone looked up and saw the one and only Iron Man slowly descending.

"fine. " Percy said, pulling off the cap of his pen and tossing it aside. Before all the avengers eyes it turned into a sword. Percy then got into a sword fighting stance.

Cap pulled out his shield, Iron Man readied his lasers, Natasha pulled out her guns and Clint aimed his bow.

They all fired at once.

Cap threw his shield, Tony fires his lasers, Widow fired her guns and Clint fired his bow.

Percy easily dodged the shield and repulser lasers, but barely missed the arrow, which exploded toxic fumes that made Percy drowsy. He tried to focus gripping Riptide tightly. He heard a bullet wiz by his ear, then another loud bang. Percy stumbled a bit, then felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder.

Percy fell to his knees, still clutching Riptide. He looked up and saw the four people. He didn't even know who they where.

Then he passed out.

[A/N] PHEW!!! long chapter :D YAY!!!! that was so fun!!!! I didn't want to end the chapter but I knew I had to.... Well that's all for now lol.

*Note on chapter* Percy isn't that powerful in this fight, why? you may ask, for one, he is depressed and going through a lot, he misses Annabeth, among other things that shall be revealed in the future! so hang on! it has yet to get much, much better!!





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