Chapter ~22~

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[A/N] 22's a nice number... Don't ya think?

Fave Comments:

By @swapsies

I bet u sit at ur computer/device and think "how can I tourture my readers mwhahahaha"while grinning evilly and strocking a cat

By@ DragonSongFlames

WTF! Why?!?! You ARE a great writer, but why did you pull a Rick Riordan? Why?!?? I like Jason.... he's a cool character.... You know what? Run for your life. I swear, I will kill you, and I will rip you limb to limb. Oh, and keep updating.

By @IyliaRasyad

Im going mad. *turn into hulk*destroy everything in my house.start running in circle.I will kill you With*take out a sniper*this.i will cut you finger one by one and hurt everyone you care.Muahahahahaha! Unless you update.More

Omg's is was so hard to choose my faves XD EVERYBODY, Y'ALL SHOULD GO FOLLOW DEMMM!!! XD YOU GUYS ARE AWESOMEE!! Anywho, now you probably want to know whats happening to everyone...

Chapter ~22~ Annabeth's POV, Stark Towers~

Two days.

No one had heard or seen anything of Percy in two days.

I currently say on a couch in Stark Towers, looking out the window at the pouring rain. The weather had been awful the last two days also. I looked down at the stub of an arm I now had.

My lip trembled. Percy would blame himself, but it wasn't his fault. It was Calypso and Loki's fault. Percy was just a tool. And that's that. I bit my lip and looked back out the window.

Tony said he was going to make me a robotic arm. Though I was going to do most of the planning, so it would work perfectly to my personal needs. I could imagine the other campers faces when they saw me...

I smiled a little at the thought. But right now my main concern was Percy. What had Calypso had him do? What was happening? I heard some arguing from behind me. All the other Avengers where playing Monopoly, but Bruce declined because he found the game to stressful so he say by and watched. I sighed deeply and got up from my seat to go watch them play. It was honestly hilarious to watch them.

"Your turn Thor. " Tony said. Thor rolled the dice, and it was an eight. Thor moved his piece so it was on the correct spot. It was one of the spots where you drew a card.

"This card informs me I have won a beauty pageant!" Thor said excitedly. "Win $50!"

Tony gave Thor the $50 from the bank, though I caught him slipping a few fifties into his shirt sleeve. I smirked at him. Cheater. Though I decided to let one of the assassins catch him. It would be funnier. I heard a low humming sound and saw the elevator numbers counting up to our floor. I frowned. Who's coming up? All the avengers are here...

"Look. " I said pointing to the elevator. Everyone's head turned to where I pointed and all got the same quizzical expressions.

"Looks like we're having company. " Tony shrugged and continued cheating while nobody was looking. I smacked his hand without turning my attention of the elevator and I could tell he was probably glaring at me. I didn't care.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened agonizingly slow. Once the doors opened a figure stepped out. He was soaking wet from head to toe, his appearance was gloomy, he had dark bags under his sea green eyes that where full of tears, his jet black hair tossed and turned as if it hadn't been brushed in days. But the worst part was his eyes. They looked empty... Hollow. As if all life was drained from them and there was no hope left, as if he was shattered into a million pieces.

"Percy!" I called tears falling from my face as I leaped from my chair and lunged across the room and gave him a huge (and one armed) hug, crying into his already soaked shoulder.

It took him a second but he returned my embrace.

"Annabeth. " he sobbed. I felt my should getting wet but I didn't care. All I cared about was that he was here. "Annabeth, I-I'm a monster.. Y-Youll hate me if you found out w-what I did.."

"No Percy. " I whispered. "I will always love you. I will always forgive you no matter what! I love you so much! please, Please never leave me again!"

I felt his cried get harder as they racked his whole body. I had never seen Percy so.. Broken. I couldnt help but wonder... What was he talking about? Why would I never want to forgive him?


I hugged Annabeth as tightly as I could, as if she where the only thing keeping me in this world. And it was actually true. She was the only thing keeping me here.

Without her, I would be nothing. But she would hate me after he figured out what I had done. I was a monster. I didn't deserve Annabeth. She deserved better then me. I was vaguely aware of other people in the room, but I didn't really care.

After a long while, Annabeth pulled away, yet kept her hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. I noticed something was different. One of her arms where missing. Because of me. First I cut off my girlfriends arm then murder one of my friends.

"Percy," she said quietly looking me in the eyes. "What happened?"

No. I couldn't tell her. I just couldn't. I shook my head vigorously. She couldn't find out what I had done. She looked at me which a pleading expression. But I just could do this right now.

"I-I can't.... I just can't do this right now..." I said pulling away from her and going to the first place that came to my mind. My room.

"Percy!" Annabeth called as she chased me down the hallway. (A/N no pun intended XD)

I ran into my room and closes the door, quickly locking it. I sat on the floor and it only took seconds for me to be sitting in a small puddle due to my being soaked. Why am I, a son of the sea god soaked you may ask? Well, I couldn't concentrate enough even to do such a simple task.

"Percy, Please don't shut me out again, " I heard Annabeth plead from the other side of the door. (A/N I'm so sorry... I couldn't resist... ) "please just let me in. "

I didn't reply. I couldn't find my voice, even if I could I probably wouldn't be able to trust it.

I didn't deserve Annabeth.

<•3rd PERSON POV•>

The Avengers had all seen the vary dramatic reunion of Percy and Annabeth.

And though they didn't know Percy tad long as Annabeth, they knew something was defiantly wrong. Once Percy had ran to his room and Annabeth chased him they where left in an awkward silence sitting around the table all staring at one another.

"That was... Hawkward..." Clint said breaking the silence.

"Clint, No, " Natasha said glaring at Hawkeye who just smirked. "not the time. "

"What could have happened to him in that amount of time he was off our radars?" Steve wandered.

"I don't know," Tony said grimly and frowned. "but what ever it was, it probably wasn't good. "

[A/N] ugh. This chapter got posted REALLY late! Sorry! It also just felt kinda sucky to me to... Oh well then. Better then nothing I guess....

QOTD: "With great power... Comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later." ~Nico, The Last Olympian

Okay 25 votes and 15 comments!! I'll TRY to be on times this time.. The only reason this was delayed though is cause I was sick XD






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