Chapter ~23~

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[A/N] why hello there! *waves* poor Percy and Annabeth.... Look at the bright side, at least there both alive! For now.. *laughs evilly*

Fave Comments:

By @DragonSongFlames

Poor Percy... If you kill him.. well, it won't be pretty. I will feed you to the fangirl hoards and stab you and give you cancer and give you a nuke as a present so when you open it you explode. Overall though, you are a great author. I have notice something. The best authors always kill off your favorite characters.

By @Sprinklezcupcakez

Well...there was no violence in this chapter....dang it I kinda wanted to watch the other crazed fangirl kill you through the comments, it's actually fun to watch. But yea, great story, keep updating!

By @AjSummer

I guess I don't have any reason to threaten you with my fangirl ways... You didn't become evil this chapter. But.. I can still spam you if you don't update soon 0-0 I'm watching you


Being evil is so fun.. XD well, YOU THREE ARE AWESOME!!!! :D I laughed and smiled reading ALL THE COMMENTS!!! THEY MEAN A LOT TO ME!!!! Well, this is a bit long of an A/N. oh well. ONTO LE STORY!!!

Chapter ~23~ 3rd Person POV ~

Percy had confined himself to his room.

He hadn't left his room since, well, since he got there. Annabeth wouldn't give up on him though. She would leave him meals, that would sometimes disappear into his room, she would sit outside his door and talk to him, though it was rare he would reply.

Annabeth would beg for him to tell her whats wrong to the point of tears, it hurt the Avengers to see this happening before their eyes.

Annabeth kept changing, getting worst and worser. Percy was right there, so close yet so far away. The only thing between her and him was a wooden door. Usually she would walk away from the door in silent tears, and go sit on the couch staring out the window or at the wall.

She became distant. It came to the point to really the only time she would talk would be to Percy. But soon, it would be only a few words she exchanged.

As the days went on, Calypso and Loki appeared to have dissapeared from the face of the earth. Not a living soul had any clue as to where they where.

And eventually, Percy stopped taking food, Annabeth would stop talking and just sit against his door, knees pulled up to her chest and face buried in her knees.

They where breaking apart.


I sat against Percy's door, my regular place.

Percy stopped eating, and I gave up hope. I stopped talking. Maybe I would say a few words, like 'yes' or 'no' but nothing much other then that.

It broke my heart to not be able to communicate to him. I figured he was ignoring me. Which I hated to think. But what else could it be?

I sniffed. My nose was a bit runny because I had just been crying. I wiped my eyes of the tears and attempted to compose myself, though it was hard because more tears where threatening to spill out.

Why was Percy ignoring me? What had he done that was so terrible that he had to block himself out from the rest of the world? I didn't know, but it was killing me to not know. I had to find the answers. But where do I start?

I signed frustratedly and buried my fce in my hands. This was hopeless.

I, Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena, had no idea what to do.

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