Chapter ~18~

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[A/N] update? I THINK YES!! ^.^ ima try and hurry up the A/N so you all can get to LE story XD now, my fave comments where:

By @HoO_Lover_4_Life

I love this story so much, but THERE IS SO MUCH FEELS AND SUSPENCE LIKE WHY, WHY YOU DO THIS TO MY PERCY *pulls percy into an embrace and refuses to let him go* my precious! (percy) uhhhh (me) *Hiss*

By @GoldChain99

Please update!!! This is so suspenseful and intense I NEED to see the end!!! You are such a great writer and are great with constant updating!!! Keep up the good work!!! :);)


Eeeeh theres not a next chapter yet ive been reading this any chance i got all day i love it omfg i would buy this if it were a movie or a book or whatever eeeeee

YOU THREE WHERE SO AWESOME!! you guys seriously brought a giant smile to my face. I ADORE YOUR COMMENTS!! this chapter is dedicated to you three!! And you three get a shout out!! Go follow those three please! Ok, what time is it? CHAPTER TIME!!

Chapter ~18~ Percy's POV~

I wracked my head trying to get any ideas as of how to get to Ogygia.

I thought about our conversation, could she have slipped and given away a clue? No. There weren't any I could find. But she said she loved Leo.. That means he had somehow gotten to her island.

I remember when they had recounted everything that had happened, and there was a time that Leo disappeared and never told them where he went.... Ogygia.

So apparently he had ended up there and fell for Calypso and he fell for him... No wonder why Calypso had felt so bitter about it. And I truly did blame myself for this happening.

If I had saved Leo and he hadn't had died, then Calypso probably would've never turned evil. And none of this would've happened.

Annabeth wouldn't be gone, mom and Paul wouldnt be in the hospital, I wouldn't be a broken and emotional wreck, in fact, me and Annabeth would probably be sitting in the sand on the beach at Camp, holding hands with our toes in the water just enjoying being together.

But instead here I am in Stark Towers, in my room trying to figure out a way back to somewhere where I was never aloud to go back to. EVER.

Don't the Fates just love me? (sarcasm)


I had a gag in my mouth as I struggled against the bonds that held me. I was currently tied tightly to a chair as Calypso and Loki silently conversed at the entry way of the small house like cave we where in.

Every once and a while one of them would gesture over to me. It appeared that they where in a vary intense argument.

I knew I needed to get away. Run to somewhere-Anywhere. I needed to get to Percy. I had to warn him. Calypso was planning something, something truly evil. And Percy was the perfect person to fall for it. He was just to loyal. His fatal flaw.


I knew that there plan would be hard to achieve, but it would simple tear Percy apart. I couldn't bear to stand what they where willing to do to him. And the worst part?

I was the key to there master plan.

They where going to use me as bait. They would get Percy there, then make him a deal. Either I died, or he joined them and swore his allegiance to them. And there was no possible way on earth he was going to let me die.

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