Chapter ~14~

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[A/N] ok so I REALLY don't know what the type of poison it is that poisoned Percy ._. So I think I'm just gonna make something up.... Also I've got a really big thing planned :3 it will probably surprise all of you ^.^ which is good ^.^ I still don't have any idea of who the main Villain is yet though... Maybe- wait... I'm not aloud to tell you guys ^.^ hehehhe.... I'll just keep that thought to myself ^.^ wow I've been doing that same face a lot.. Guess its a new obsession... Ok I'm ranting now... Onto Le Chapta!!!!

Chapter ~14~ Percys POV~

I decided I needed to tell them.

If I didn't get any Demigod medicine, things will be like they have been for me lately. Getting worse and worse, painfuller and painfuller. And I wasn't sure how much I could take anymore. I took a deep breath as I confirmed my decision. I figured Jason and Piper where probably at camp... Annabeth wasn't of course, just thinking of her hurt. And Hazel and Frank would probably be at Camp Jupiter. So I figured I'd IM Jason.

So my plan was to IM Jason, possibly get him and Will over here with some Ambrosia and Necter, get better, kick Lokis butt, get answers of who he's working for, save Annabeth, live happily ever after. There, seemed easy enough.

"Bruce?" I said, my voice a wee but hoarse, but nothing a few cups of water couldn't fix.

"Yes?" he answered from his usual spot at the desk, bent over some random lab stuff trying to figure out what type of poison had poisoned me.

"Could you gather the rest of the Avengers? There's something I, uh.. Need to explain.." I asked him.

"Sure..." Bruce said not questioning it vary much, and he went to get the others.

A few minutes later everyone filled into the room. They all looked vary curious as to what I needed to explain. And I knew I would surprise them. The lab had a bathroom, so I decided that was going to be my first stop.

"Hey, can you guys help me into the bathroom?" I asked, and was given some vary questioning looks, but Steve and Clint honored my wishes and helped me into a standing position.

We all filled into the vary small bathroom, and I turned on the water on all the way hot, waiting for the steam to arise. Once I had a nice must going I fished a Drachma out of my pocket. I threw it into the mist and said,

"Oh Iris, goddess of rainbows, show me Jason, at Camp Half-Blood. " I said as the mist shimmered then showed me Jason, who was casually sitting on the roof of his cabin. When he saw me he screamed, (like a girl, if I might add) and nearly fell off the roof, which of course caused me to laugh, then violently cough.

"gods Percy!! Don't scare me like that!" he said.

"Sorry Jason. " I smiled a little.

"Geez! You look awful! What happened to you?" he asked.

"Meh, got poisoned again. " I said as if it was no big deal. I got a few looks fro some of the Avengers at the 'again' part.

"Again? Really Percy?" Jason said.

"Umm ya.. It would be pretty helpful if you could kidnap Will and head over to Stark Towers with some Ambrosia and Necter. " I told him.

"The Stark Towers?! What have you been up to?!" Jason exclaimed.

"You know, the norm. Annoying villains and making them swear to destroy me. " I shrugged.

"well, I'll grab will and get over there A.S.A.P! Hang on Perce!" Jason said, then swiped through the image, dissolving it.

"and that is how you Iris Message someone. " I said falling a little limp, causing Steve and Clint to catch me. "Could you help me back to the bed now?"

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